I fenced the plot on which I built my house. I always keep the small gate and the big gate closed, the dogs are constantly on guard.

The front door of the house is a multi-point security door, which is also always locked with a key. I arm an alarm system connected to a security guard service when I leave home. The village has a public camera system.

I only let those I want into the garden and the house. If someone were to trespass, I can legitimately defend myself and my property. If the police caught the burglar, they would arrest him and put him in jail. That's okay, it's the only way society can function in relative safety, even in peacetime.

If someone told me that I was obliged to welcome wild strangers from other, distant parts of the world into my garden and house, I would simply laugh at them today. It is not out of the question that psychiatrists would also examine whether the person can be included, this demand is so alien to life, it is abnormal. And, of course, I am not calling on anyone, either in this country or in another distant country, to welcome strangers into their own garden, house, or apartment.

But today's Europe is so abnormal that the deranged leaders of our continent who are currently still in power demand this from the countries and peoples of the continent. In other words, based on their decision, we must, against our will, accept into our country, wild strangers, unknown people from distant parts of the world with different cultures, different religions, and different roots, who could just as well be real refugees, who set out into the world in the hope of a better life than educated people terrorists.

This is demanded of us by those whose predecessors colonized half the world, enslaved peoples, exploited, drained and bled their countries, and thus started the centuries-long process, one of the consequences of which is the current migration of peoples. With the disintegration of the colonial empires, the continuous draining of the resources of the former colonies did not stop, but was only transformed and supplemented, for example, by additional withdrawals caused by the debt trap.

"The common root of the life-giving self-destructive degeneration processes is obviously none other than WORTHLESSNESS"

- wrote László Bogár in December 2012.

Before the Davos World Economic Forum held in January 2016, the international aid organization Oxfam published its report, according to which the richest 1% of the world's population has more wealth than the remaining 99% combined. The wealth of the richest 62 (i.e. sixty-two) people has increased by 44% since 2010, while the income of the poorest half of the world has decreased by 41%. The wealth gap is deepening faster than anyone assumed, and the 1 percent overthrew the 99 percent a year earlier than Oxfam predicted last year.

The 62 (ie sixty-two) richest people in the world have as much wealth as the poorest half of the world's population, about 3.5 billion people together.

At the same time, the free trade agreements are trying to concrete this unequal arrangement, an effort that is only further strengthened by the global land grabs. This process not only leaves the impoverished billions of people without financial income, but also threatens with a huge food crisis. Not to mention that this mass of people is being herded into unlivable big cities even now. "However, multinational corporations and wealthy elites (…) refuse to pay the taxes that are needed to run society. The fact that 188 of the top 201 companies are present in at least one tax haven shows that it is time to act." said Winnie Byanima, director of Oxfam. (after MTI)

Those who actively participated in the disintegration of the systems of the countries that sent out the people's migrants are demanding mandatory resettlement. Whose soldiers are still fighting in these countries today. The "Arab Spring" was welcomed by many people, having no idea what the consequences would be. Now we know.

In August 2015, many immigrants told the Austrian authorities that American organizations supported their migration to Europe with money. There is no other way to explain how they were able to finance the long journey and with what they were able to pay the greedy people smugglers. Based on this, it can be assumed that external powers interested in weakening Europe can also play a role in starting and organizing the process. And Europe's leaders apparently do not support the defense of the continent, but its loss, and the creation of a mixed European United States (deliberately in small letters), traitors in Hungarian. Because with the right will, the flow of people could indeed be stopped. See the example of America, Australia, the rich Arab states or Israel: no one can go to these countries, only those they let in.

So what should we say to Europe's leaders demanding mandatory resettlement? (After we have said to ourselves or among ourselves the first thought-provoking, non-public words that come to mind, and have shown the clear hand gestures associated with them.)

That NO, NO and NO!

If they really want to welcome migrants, they can invite some of them to their own houses and apartments as early as tomorrow. Set an example of acceptance, tolerance, and love of humanity, which we are always asked to account for! Let's see how they "integrate" them into their own family! After a few months of living together, we will be interested in their opinion. But don't even think that they can make or force us to do this! This is our country, our garden, our house, with which they have nothing to do! And what we do not give for silver or gold, for little or much, or under intimidation or coercion, because we have no other country but this one. If this is lost, we are lost. We defended this country, but also the whole of Europe from the Tatars, we almost perished. Then we protected it from the Turks and then from the Russians, also protecting the entire land in the process, and we almost perished. And what did we get in return? Trianon, the land robbery of our country, the first, new Paris peace after the Second World War. And as long as we've been here, we've had contempt, misunderstanding, hatred, exploitation, and exploitation all the time until today.

We've never received anything good from them, and we can't expect it today either.

If they want to welcome hundreds of thousands or millions of foreigners into their own houses, gardens, and country, let them do so, but they can never oblige other countries and peoples to do so!

Due to their former colonial past and the colonists immigrating from the colonies to their countries, several countries in Western Europe already have a highly mixed population, anyone can see this in the public squares of their cities. From the point of view of the white European man, these countries may already be lost. This situation is exacerbated by their treacherous leaders. In contrast to this, the nations living in the European space extending from the Baltic to the Balkans, from the Baltic Sea to the Adriatic and Black Seas were never colonizers, but on the contrary: they were colonized, occupied for a long time, exploited, and poor. That is why the parts of Europe still predominantly inhabited by white people remained. This can now be to their advantage, to our advantage, because of course Hungary also belongs here.

And just as Hungary has the right to defend itself, even white European nations from the Baltic to the Balkans have the right to defend themselves.

If we can form a close alliance of interests against the common enemy that seeks our existence, then we may have a chance to protect our own white European countries.

Another positive result of this alliance could be the reduction of hostility caused by previous mutual grievances.

This brings us to the question of what Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe can do in this situation.

Our southern borders must be completely sealed off from unchecked and uncontrollable illegal invasion! This border must be protected by soldiers, the reorganized border guard, supplemented by voluntary and even internationalized civilian squadrons with all available means: large dogs, weapons. We have a good kuvas and a good komondor, but we also have a good German shepherd. The so-called "reception stations" established on the territory of our country must be turned into deportation stations and then closed permanently, because the Hungarians living in their surroundings want this. Those who are there now must be helped to go to Western Europe. Our Hungarian soldiers must be recalled immediately from distant battlefields, where they are fighting on the wrong side, on the side of the world conquerors, in wars that Hungarians have nothing to do with.

Only in this way can the invasion that is about to flood Europe be stopped, and what remains of the white man's Europe of several millennia can be preserved.

We cannot have a say in eliminating the fundamental root causes of migration, but of course we have an opinion. Merely stopping the centuries-long draining of the resources of the issuing countries is not enough. It is necessary to reverse the direction of the flow and to feed back enough so that these countries can become livable, and those who are preparing to emigrate - because they are forced to do so due to the lack of prospects - will change their minds. It is better for them to stay at home, and it is also better for Europe if the continent is not flooded. The civil wars raging in their countries could be stopped by a superpower alliance. These are dreams, I know, I feel them as I write these words. But it has to be written down, because the other possibility, which, knowing history, unfortunately has a much higher chance: the outbreak of small, large and even terrible wars in the very near future.

Dr. Gergely Nagy

The article was written in 2016, but is still relevant today.