I read the news: "On Monday, Pope Francis made a historic decision, according to which from now on same-sex couples can also receive the blessing of priests. With this, the Vatican wants to send a message that God welcomes everyone."

With all due respect, I confess that I do not understand the papal decision.

God personally welcomes everyone. He calls us, sinful people, without ceasing. All of us. This is indisputable. This is unquestionable. Jesus did not condemn the adulterous woman either, but sent her on her way so that she would not sin again.

In Christian teachings, there is always the desire of loving devotion to sinful people, and it is the task of the churches to convey this.

But as a same-sex couple (!) – what else can it mean if two people appearing as related to each other ask for a blessing at the same time? – to bless someone means something completely different from the loving reception of individual members of the party in the church.

The ecclesiastical lawyers can twist and turn, but from now on the message for all people is that the relationship, the form of relationship itself, is blessed by the priest.

While the Catholic Church names homosexuality as a sin - as a deviation from the divine order, as an unintended fulfillment of the laws of creation (and nature), from now on it still seals the homosexual relationship with its blessing (i.e. ultimately supports, quasi-legalizes the relationship that it considers otherwise defined as a sin )? There is a logical fallacy in the argument.

The decision seems to be a boundary crossing that leads to the breaking of the foundation of the natural, biblical family (man and woman, the relationship that carries the possibility of passing on life, which is the realization of the call of man as a creature commanded from the beginning - "be fruitful!"), the message of creation is the most fundamental it works against its order in a morally shaken world that is falling apart from the start.

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