Educated people will be needed in the renewing world.

The Babeș–Bolyai University of Cluj (BBTE) awaits its future students with new majors in both basic and master's programs. In a press conference on Wednesday, the management of the higher education institution reported on the places announced for summer admission in 2024.

If he were to graduate now, Daniel David would choose Babeș–Bolyai University's training from several points of view. According to the rector of the treasured city university, BBTE has always been one of the largest universities in the country, and for a few years it has been leading the meta-ranking of higher education institutions in Romania.

At the same time, the institution occupies an excellent position both in European and international terms, and in the country it offers students the greatest opportunity to participate in various Erasmus programs.

Daniel David explained at the press conference that Cluj is not the last consideration when choosing a university, as it is one of the fastest growing settlements that offers countless job opportunities.

"I encourage graduating students, if they find a major in our offer that interests them, to feel free to come to BBTE. In the renewing world, there is a need for higher education studies and educated people, who can thus connect to the world more easily and become more tolerant of each other," said the university professor.

Bálint Markó, the vice-rector of studies responsible for the Hungarian department, education curriculum, competitiveness, outsourced departments, explained the announced positions and new majors.

As he explained, Babeș–Bolyai University announces 5,298 tuition-free places for those enrolling in the bachelor's program for the 2024-2025 academic year, and 9,977 tuition-required places are available to those interested. Among the tuition-free places, the university reserves 35 places for applicants of Romani nationality, 169 places for graduates of rural high schools, 25 places for those coming from the social welfare system, and 201 places for persons of Romanian nationality across the border.

For the academic year 2024-2025, BBTE announces 3,583 tuition-free and 6,024 tuition-required places for master's programs. Of the tuition-free places, the university offers 238 places to priority areas, reserves 50 places for didactic master's programs, 25 places for people coming from the social welfare system and 25 for people with disabilities. Persons of Romanian nationality across the border can apply for 83 places.

The associate professor highlighted that, among the places advertised for admission, the Hungarian department offers 2,921 places for bachelor's programs (1,117 tuition-free places, 1,804 tuition-required places for full-time and distance education), and 1,305 places for master's programs (523 tuition-free places, 782 places with tuition). Bálint Markó pointed out that applicants can choose from 257 bachelor's programs (full-time or reduced-visit programs) and 219 master's programs (full-time or reduced-visit programs).

The vice-rector also listed the new majors that expand BBTE's educational offer. BBTE offers 4 new majors in undergraduate education:

• Information engineering major – 4 years, full-time training in English at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics;
• Information engineering major – 4 years, full-time training in Hungarian at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics; • Artificial intelligence major – 3 years, full-time training in English at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics;
• Public health services and policies - 3 years, full-time training in Romanian at the Faculty of Politics, Public Administration and Communication Sciences.
In addition, 4 new master's programs will be launched: • East Asian studies and research - full-time, 4 semesters, in Romanian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese at the Faculty of Arts;
• Health Economics – full-time, 4 semesters, in English at the Faculty of Economics and Business;
• Data-driven management – ​​full-time, 4 semesters, in Hungarian at the Faculty of Economics and Business;
• Global Security and Human Rights policies - full-time, 4 semesters, in English at the Faculty of History and Philosophy.

Adrian Petrușel, vice chancellor responsible for research, development, innovation and doctoral studies, said that BBTE is organizing two admission sessions for doctoral programs this year: the first round will be held in July 2024, the second in September of the current year. As he explained, the university will provide 315 free places this year, as well as additional places subject to tuition fees, for those applying for doctoral studies.

Of the 315 free places, 149 receive scholarships, 5 places are reserved for persons of Romanian nationality across the border, 2 places are open to applicants of Romani nationality, and 4 places are for priority areas. There are 31 doctoral schools within the framework of the BBTE, which ensure both disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to the 32 accredited fields.

The method of the entrance exam for each program is determined and announced by the respective doctoral school.

Christian Săcărea, the vice chancellor responsible for non-traditional education and relations with society, said that 2,300 places are announced for applicants for distance education and reduced-visit education at the bachelor's level. The head of the German Department reminded that distance education was first introduced by BBTE in the country, following the example of foreign universities, and according to him, this form can be very beneficial for students who do not live in Cluj, cannot commute or live here, or may work in parallel with their higher education studies. .

Admissions take place between July 15 and 31, 2024. The admission calendar includes the application period, the entrance exams, the publication of results, the submission of appeals, the confirmation of places, the period for the redistribution of the remaining places, this was determined by the individual faculties within the BBTE.

More information is available at this link


Cover photo: Christian Săcărea, Markó Bálint, Daniel David and Adrian Petrușel presented the information about summer admissions
Source: Laura