EU leaders are sweeping the dust under the carpet instead of facing the fact that many voters are dissatisfied with the union.

In her speech in the Italian parliament on Wednesday, Giorgia Meloni sharply criticized the EU leaders, as they believe that the top positions are allocated in the framework of backroom deals. According to Meloni, it is surreal how much they do not take into account what the European voters want.

Meloni said he knows of people who believe that European citizens are not wise enough to make certain decisions and that oligarchy is the only acceptable form of democracy.

I do not agree with this view, said the Italian Prime Minister.

As is well known, the negotiators of the three mainstream European party families, the European People's Party, S&D and Renew EU, recently agreed that

Ursula von der Leyen should be the President of the European Commission for another five years, the European Council should be led by the fallen Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa, while Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas was elected as the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

According to the EP election, the right-wing forces will have more power than before, but Meloni wants this phenomenon to be reflected in the decision-making of the union as well.

EU leaders seem to tend to sweep the dust under the carpet instead of realizing that many voters are dissatisfied with the EU, indicated the Italian leader, who

He called Brussels an invasive bureaucratic giant.

Meloni wants his party family, the ECR, to get at least one vice-presidential position, and Rome to get the economic portfolio.

Politico notes that Von der Leyen does not need the support of all EU leaders to be elected for another term.

It is not a problem if we have to make the deal without Meloni, a diplomat told the Brussels portal.

According to the newspaper, Meloni's chin soap is a politically sensitive issue, as it is not only the head of the bloc's third largest economy, but also one of the European leaders who gained strength during the elections held more than two weeks ago.

The EU leaders will meet in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, hoping to conclude the negotiations on the top leaders, so that the European Parliament can vote on the next term in mid-July.

They also want to keep power from weak positions, Meloni noted.

Cover photo: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni
Source: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák