Slovak Foreign Minister Rastislav Kácer refuses to apologize for his statements insulting Hungary the Hungarian news portal Ma7 reported about him . - I do not criticize the Hungarians. It is a criticism of a specific policy. The one that made the leader of the region's fight for democracy in the early 1990s a black hole on the European political map and a Trojan horse of Putin's European interests, he wrote on his social media page on Thursday, referring to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Rastislav Kácer came under fire after he said in an interview on Tuesday whether there is a risk that Hungary will make territorial claims against Slovakia in the coming years:

If Vladimir Putin had been more successful and was on our eastern borders today, I think we would be directly confronted with such a demand today, unfortunately.

According to Kácer, the possibility of Hungarian demands may not only be a real issue in the future, but it is already a real issue - MTI quoted the foreign minister as saying.

Due to his statements, Tamás Menczer, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, announced on Wednesday evening that he had appointed Slovakia's ambassador to Budapest to the ministry, and told him that Kácer's statements were unacceptable and nonsensical lies. - Minister Kácer basically attacks Hungary because we are pro-peace and anti-sanctions - said Tamás Menczer.

On the other hand, Hungary was defended by Rastislav Kácer's colleague, ex-prime minister Igor Matovic, the president of the largest Slovak government party, OLANO, according to whom Kácer - by playing the Hungarian card - is feeding conspiracy theories in the public. According to him, this is closely related to the early elections, which were announced recently and will be held in September.

He does all this as the first person in diplomacy, without evidence, even though his task would be to nurture and further deepen the already existing friendly relations with our Hungarian neighbors

said Matovic, adding: such accusations grossly violate diplomatic rules, so he called on the Minister of Foreign Affairs to apologize to Hungary. György Gyimesi, OLANO parliamentarian, also criticized the foreign minister. According to him, Kácer's statement goes beyond all limits.

Foreign Minister Kácer, recalling the dark times of Meciar, pulled out the Hungarian card again. Eight months before the election. This is the real disgust and humus expressed by him! If the good-neighborly relations between Hungary and Slovakia are important to the President of the Republic and the acting Prime Minister, they must find a way to recall Kácer from his position!

- responded Krisztián Forró, leader of the Hungarian Alliance party in the highlands, referring to the anti-Hungarian outbursts of former Slovak Prime Minister Vladimír Meciar.

Despite the criticism, Rastislav Kácer is not complacent. As he put it in his Facebook post on Thursday: "Whoever criticized Meciar was not an enemy of Slovakia. Meciar was not Slovakia, Orbán was not Hungary, Matovic was nobody and I have no idea who Gyimesi is, I can only guess. Slovaks and Hungarians have lived together here for a thousand years, and they will continue to live here. I trust that in harmony."

Author: Zoltán Kottász


Opening image: Slovak Foreign Minister Rastislav Kácer (Photo: AFP/Andrei Pungovschi)