An agent named Karl Marx could tell a lot about how serious a task it was to maintain the appearance that he did not conjure up the liberal and socialist parties from the same hat, who then apparently fight each other to death in the stunt booth called politics. Written by László Bogár.

It is not really a surprise that the ruling elites of the European Union have completely disregarded the will of the voters and are cynically and unscrupulously continuing the same "background" games that they have always used while referring to the sacred principles of "democracy and the rule of law", but trampling them under foot. Since this is already a daily routine, the purpose of this article is not to analyze this eye-popping spectacle, as we have already done this many times, but rather to finally face the fact that the roots of what is happening now go much deeper than we think.

To understand this, we should first think about the fact that the three "party families" that made this deal are exactly the same three constructions, with the creation of which roughly two hundred years ago, the political system of westernized modernity took its final form.

This means that the global chief constructor/chief destructor, who is the "doer" of everything, did a professional job, because his then-stabilized construction is quite durable.

But what was the mysterious concept that spurred him to create three such party families?

In other words, why has the complex of liberal, socialist and conservative parties dominated the political system of westernized modernity for two hundred years?

If we are in good faith, then at first we would think that the parties serve to sort of map the structure of the given society, but the social structure of two hundred years ago, even in Western Europe, roughly looked like the peasantry made up 80 percent, the workers at most 12 percent, and the capital owners a maximum of one to three percent. And apparently, the traditional ruling class, the nobility, with its proportion of around five percent, was still in a dominant position.

The aforementioned chief destroyer is capable of this, first of all, he created the liberal party, that is, the political representation of capital. In fact, it could have stopped, because the power of capital was realized in politics after the economy.

Presumably, he did not stop because he believed that in addition to the capital owners, he also had to "construct" the party of the labor owners, since the ruthless dictatorship of "capitalism" can only be stable if he exercises political control over both capital and labor .

An agent of theirs named Karl Marx would certainly be able to tell a lot about how serious a task it was to maintain the appearance that the liberal and socialist parties were not created out of the same hat, and then they apparently fought a murderous battle with each other in the stunt booth called politics.

And with this, the "great work" could have really been completed, but there was a small snag, namely that 85 percent of the societies of that time, the nobility and the peasantry, did not even receive formal representation in the new political system.

He created the construct, which is still called conservative parties, as a third party, so that, of course, under "strictly controlled" conditions, he also integrates the "historical gentlemen's classes" into his new system.

But he made sure that the "recruitment" base of the ruling groups of these conservative parties was provided by what he contemptuously called the gentry, i.e., his character, who had already been brutally torn from his material and especially spiritual pedestal, and thus made into a vulnerable puppet figure. The fact that the political representation of the traditional peasantry, which provided the basis for the existence of the societies of that time and made up at least eighty percent, did not even arise was presumably due to the fact that the main destroyer knew exactly the "schedule" of the next two centuries, that is, that the traditional peasant society at the end of the process would , as a niche-dwelling pariah society pushed out of its own history, can remain, and this is indeed what happened.

We examine any critical branching point of the system of westernized modernity that still exists to this day, including Hungarian history, if a "problem" arose, the main destroyer was always able to persuade these parties, with some pressure, that the "deal" dictated by him have powerless objects, as we see now.

For the time being, therefore, we can hardly hope that the political systems will reflect the real division of the given society. In fact, the situation continues to deteriorate in the second half of the 20th century and nowadays.

The parties appeared, which are partly the exponents of destruction, and partly serve to cover up the essence and, where appropriate, serve as a backup for this "global nonsense".

Three new party constructions were "destroyed" by the "non-existent" masters of the world, two of which are directly and globally destroying, one is "vegetability", the other is "gender". The task of the green parties is to cover up the essence of global capital that destroys the external nature, and the task of the gender parties is to cover up the essence of global capital that destroys the "inner" nature (spiritual, moral, intellectual).

Last, but not least, the destructor constantly provokes the creation of parties he already labels as "extremist", whose main function is to act as a safety valve, i.e. to vent the steam, if this is not possible otherwise.

Some of these parties are very serious, but they can't even come close to government power, and some are "joke parties" that serve to entertain the wealthy as a parody of themselves in the political stunt booth. We should somehow get out of this historical trap.

Hungarian Newspaper