In addition to the consecutive presidency of the union, good neighborly relations, oil transit and the situation of the Hungarian minorities were important during the Prime Minister's visit to Kyiv, said Zoltán Kiszelly, political analysis director of Századvég.

Viktor Orbán, the prime minister of Hungary holding the consecutive presidency of the Council of the European Union, arrived in Kyiv on Tuesday morning, where he held talks with Volodymyr Zelensky. The Hungarian Prime Minister emphasized that his first trip after taking over the EU presidency led here, because the issue of peace is important not only in Ukraine, but in the whole of Europe. He added: the war that the Ukrainians are now suffering deeply affects European security. Viktor Orbán therefore asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to consider a ceasefire bound by a deadline.

There will be no change in Hungarian peace policy, but with the visit to Ukraine, Viktor Orbán made a kind of gesture, negotiating in the interest of the Hungarian minority

- said Zoltán Kiszelly, political analysis director of Századvég.

As the prime minister of Hungary, who holds the office of the successive president of the union, Viktor Orbán is the only Western leader who has not yet visited Kiev, which could also be a kind of gesture towards Giorgia Meloni and the Polish Law and Justice Party (PiS), who had previously expected this from the Hungarian prime minister

- added the expert.

Zoltán Kiszelly also spoke about the visible tendency to try to line up the global South behind Western sanctions against Russia, alongside the 35-40 Western countries.

The Swiss peace conference, to which Russia was not invited, did not serve the purpose of making peace, but rather that even more countries would join the Western sanctions, according to Zelensky. After this did not work out in Switzerland, that is why Zelensky had to give way

he added.

The expert said that the goal of the globalists is for even more people to join the Western sanctions, and that is why Viktor Orbán could only express his desire for peace to Ukraine in Kiev, which is what the vast majority of European people also want.

According to Zoltán Kiszelly, the pursuit of peace clearly defines Viktor Orbán's current and previous communication, which is why the Hungarian Prime Minister is doing his best.

The expert believes that the first steps in the direction of peace can be taken, that the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, would be suitable for creating peace between the Russian and Ukrainian sides in the future, because he is accepted by both sides, Putin and Zelensky.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Gábor Fehér/Fejér Megyei Hírlap