In a statement the other day, the president of the DK harshly criticized András Schiffer, but the lawyer did not remain in his debt, he strongly attacked the self-appointed leader of the left.

"I would have liked not to have been the useful idiot of the SZDSZ for the past twenty years and not to have pursued such a neoliberal policy in the government and then in the opposition! Ferenc Gyurcsány in 2004, when he ran for the main power,

he didn't realize that he was not insulting the papal housing estate, but the people of Rózsadomb and Lipótváros, who will never accept him or his family, use them to the maximum and make fun of him.

The fruits of this policy are now coming back, Ferenc Gyurcsány betrayed the left as prime minister," said András Schiffer, a left-wing lawyer and former member of parliament, on ATV's program, reacting to the DK president's criticism of him.

András Schiffer recalled: he kept silent during the 2018 campaign, he couldn't even be called, lest they accidentally involve him in the campaign, in comparison, the Gyurcsánys made him responsible for the fall of the opposition at that time. At the beginning of February 2022, the lawyer again assumed silence, but for the last time he said that Fidesz's three two-thirds victories had been sewn around his neck until then, and they would not do the same with the fourth, and that is exactly what happened. According to him

Gyurcsány is in a difficult situation because Péter Magyar's party has "hardened its way into the DK's voter base", so the fallen prime minister is making his current statements in order to "keep the flock together".

According to András Schiffer, the president of the DK should hold an introspection because the LMP-separatist Párbeszéd was able to get on the back of the DK.

The lawyer also reminded that when he had a technical consultation with Jobbik in the early 2010s, Gyurcsány's wife attacked the former LMP politician with great moral outrage.

- Where else was the 2022 national list, where Ferenc Gyurcsány and his lovely wife were on a list with all kinds of "lice swinging" right-wingers? asked András Schiffer. He continued by saying that if he had just talked to Gábor Vona or Elód Novák in 2014, he would have been told by Gyurcsány's party that he was the "last Nazi".

- From this point on, Gyurcsány's suggestion is completely ridiculous, since if the LMP and the other left-wing parties had joined forces in that period, Fidesz would still have had a double-digit advantage - the lawyer pointed out.

He emphasized: Gyurcsány is also heavily responsible for the recent two-thirds of Fidesz, because it is not possible to mechanically add up the opposition voters.

András Schiffer knows specifically that there are 2014 LMP voters who are now voting for Fidesz or Mi Hazánk.

The fact that the opposition votes cannot be combined was already proven in 2018, when the LMP voters in Belpes and Belbuda voted through the list for the opposition candidate who was labeled as more likely, but there were quite a few who stood by the candidate of their own party who had no chance.

– This is the trap of this whole demagogic discourse of unity, into which Ferenc Gyurcsány drove the complete opposition side, so that they think that the opposition camp can be united. The end of this was that, election after election, Fidesz happily eats from the opposition's cake, said the lawyer.

András Schiffer also touched on the fact that Gyurcsány incited the opposition audience, which now wants the blood of the DK president.

The lawyer stated in relation to the Tisza Party: they used an illusion to drive 1.3 million people into such a frenzy that their supporters threatened to lynch journalists or sympathizers of other parties and views. Gyurcsány is therefore heavily responsible, because they started this.

Now the ice cream licks back, because whoever sows wind reaps storm, said the lawyer.

He believed that the question is whether the president of the Republic of Denmark is able to face his own performance over the past twenty years. He should have been brave when the micro-donation scandal came to light, not when he was speaking to retired politicians.

He should not have supported Gergely Karácsony, but should have put on the table whether there was such interference, for example, in the primary election, since these groups also "exterminated" Gyurcsány's wife in the prime minister candidate election.

- Ferenc Gyurcsány did not confront these global progressive networks there either, so it would be worthwhile for him to conduct an introspection. The question is whether DK's popularity can return to the double-digit range, the lawyer stated.

Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Gyurcsány is in a difficult situation because Péter Magyar's party is "rock-hard in the DK's voter base"
Source: Facebook/András Schiffer