The legend of Péter Magyar, fan version.

He sat down in front of the cameras and began to say. This is a type of person. It is known and not rare.

Among many other things, one of his characteristics is that he has no problem lying to anyone's face, his blood pressure does not rise, his voice does not tremble, the whole thing leaves him perfectly cool. There are two main reasons for this. One is moral insanity. The other - it follows organically from the first - that he is in love with himself.

Patient. And since he only loves himself, unfortunately he is strictly and always only a public danger.

He sat down in front of the cameras and began to say.

That he is already holding his nose in 2022. And he didn't want to. He wanted something else. He wanted it for the two-tails, but hey, the kids, right? What can be done, the children insisted on Fidesz because of their mother, and they even went with him to the voting booth, and he didn't even want to go there, but the children, what should we do, the children pulled the plug. There. Where he didn't want to go.

The iks retracted. By the children.

I hope at this point everyone feels the painful helplessness that this poor man had to go through.

It's also time to introduce the first joke, which will help us understand even better what happened to him in the 2022 elections. So:

Gazsi stands before the court and gives a statement:

Well, my dear, fair judge, I caught the fair fish, and he asked, what do I want? I told him that I wanted to have sex with him, he was so eye-catching, and he reluctantly agreed. And then we got down to business, dear fair judge, and oops! Nothing! The scaly girl suddenly turned into a twelve-year-old girl... I swear that's how it happened, dear scaly judge...

Hopefully this little story has helped to make absolutely clear the helplessness suffered in the 2022 elections, the horror that happened to this great, innocent, narcissistic psychopath, this moral insanity, this ghastly man.

And maybe they won't believe it, but the series of trials on that fateful day, in the spring of 2022, did not end.

Because it wasn't enough that the children dragged the party into a place where he didn't want it (it suddenly changed to a gridiron, didn't it), but the evening came and it turned out that Fidesz-KDNP won again by two-thirds.

What can a poor, innocent, pure soul who lives in the depths of the retreat do in such a situation, not because he has to, but because he feels good there...

You can do one.

He goes to the results waiting room of the Fidesz party, and then acts as if he is happy, as if he is happy, as if he has been waiting for this, as if he is satisfied, as if he never, really never wanted to vote for the two-tailed, even his children wanted to vote for the two-tailed, but he he convinced them that no, that is not the right choice, there is only one good choice, Fidesz, long live the government party, long live the government parties, look, children, how well papa is feeling, papa dances with all kinds of Fidesz, papa is the big even on the night of victory, he shows where he belongs, papa is someone, papa is an important person, since he can be here, in the waiting room for the results, in the waiting room for the winners, papa got his life, not because of his talent, but because of mom, but that doesn't matter now, we won, children, and papa is here among the greats!

It's also time to introduce the second joke, which will help us understand even better what happened to him during the 2022 elections, on the night of the election. So:

The little fox children are playing in front of the foxhole, when suddenly the rabbit stomps in and says, dragging his snowmobile:

"Hello, little foxes, is your mother home?"


"It's a shame, but I came to get you...yum..."

The fox children tell their mother what happened during the day, and the mother fox outwits them that tomorrow she will hide behind the tree, and if the cheeky rabbit comes again, they will say that he is not at home.

And lo and behold, the next day the rabbit comes again, pulling his snow plow and asking with a big face:

"Hello, little foxes, is your mother home?"


"It's a shame, but I came to get you...yum..."

At that moment, mother fox jumps out and starts chasing the cheeky rabbit. He almost catches up when the rabbit jumps between two trees, but the mother fox gets stuck and can't move. The rabbit stops, looks back, assesses the situation, goes behind the mother fox, pulls down the slip with its tail and says:

"You're ugly, you're smelly, but once I promised the children..."

I am sure that I have managed to illuminate the psyche of this excrement called "Hungarian" Péter.

Of course, his fans love him that way.

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Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Péter Magyar/Facebook