Despite all appearances, within the top elites of the American empire, the line supporting the overwhelming victory of Donald Trump seems to be in the majority. Written by László Bogár.

Dear readers, I apologize for the somewhat forced English pun, the title means something like the banned Biden. In the first televised debate between Trump and Biden, the current American president proved to be so devastatingly incompetent that the New York Times asked him in an editorial to withdraw from the presidential candidacy in light of all this.

This flagship of global opinion power would hardly publish such an editorial if it did not have behind it the suggestion of a level of power which, for

unequivocal Joe Biden's incompetence.

Of course, we might add, this incompetence has been evident for years, as the Internet is full of videos showing the President of the United States as a hapless demented worrier walking off into nowhere or giving a hand to nobody.

So the only question is what this "last minute" recall actually means.

To answer this question, we should examine three fields of conflict, because each of them may have a role in this rather puzzling turn of events. The first, obvious level is the level of the American world empire, the second is the level of the "empire-selecting main power" standing above it, and finally the mediating field connecting the two levels.

Logically, we must assume that at all three levels there may be conflicts within the system, the understanding of which is a very difficult task, but without understanding there is no chance of uncovering the swirls of world power.

The American world empire, like the five other world empires that historically preceded it, is approaching the end of its century.

A century means four generations, and during this time all previous world empires have mentally degenerated to such a level that this made their fall inevitable. The direct cause of the downfall is usually that the empire becomes a primitive parasite following the spiritual degradation, and when there are no more resource fields for it to plunder, it simply collapses.

It is no different with the American world empire, the fall of which could only be avoided as a result of a spiritual turn of historical significance that would determine the entire world, which would mean a reversal from this parasitic existence, but of which we do not see much sign for the time being.

The ruling elites of the empire therefore have two paths, one, the destructive path, is a permanent world war, during which they operate the hydraulics of global plunder with brutal wars until the very end (the complete collapse of the entire world system) with all existing means of violence. Today, the "powerlessness" of empire automatically follows this destructive path. The other path, which would be the foundation of a new system of existence based on a completely different system of interpretation of existence following an intellectual turn that is still unknown today, has not shown itself so far, at least at the system level.

Presumably, an intense zone of conflict began to develop within the American imperialist elites around this issue, and the stake of the presidential election is that the character of the future president should be adapted to the decisions to be made in this area.

If they had clearly chosen the destructive path, then a young and dynamic Democratic presidential candidate would have made it clear for months that Donald Trump, who is about to win with the slogan "I will create peace in 24 hours", is an irresponsible demagogue whom the American voters must spectacularly reject.

The power of global opinion, which started to demand Biden's withdrawal at the penultimate moment, however, with this step, "concretes" the sure victory of Donald Trump in a barely hidden way.

Trump is an impulsive and intuitive character who is mentally unfit to carry out a task of such an enormous dimension, but he may well be capable of virtuosoly taking the still surreal world power steps that will prepare the beginning of the implementation of this task over the next few years.

Despite all appearances, within the top elites of the American empire, the line supporting Donald Trump's overwhelming victory seems to be in the majority, but those who oppose it are certainly "in the fight" as well.

The uncertainty is further increased by the fact that the third level of world power, the main power that selects the empire, has not yet decided whether it will give the American imperial elites one last historical chance for such a spiritual transformation and thus the continuation of imperial existence, or whether it is already clearly ready. the decision to

installs the seventh world empire in the person of China,

which is thus, for the first time in the history of the West, not a Western nation-state, but an extremely successfully Westernized "non-Western" complex.

But it is also possible that this level of power has already decided that with the collapse of the American world empire, the era of the world empires it chose ended, what's more, the half-millennium era of the existence-organization of Western modernity, and "something" hitherto unimaginable, even incomprehensible organization era begins.

There is also reason to assume that there were serious frictions in the field of relations between the American world empire elites and the empire-selecting power, so that the communication channels of the world empire and the empire-selecting power complex, which itself was struggling with internal conflicts, were also burdened with conflicts.

Be that as it may, as always, we can only be "followers" of these events, that is, from the expected events, as small pieces of a mosaic, we can afterwards be able to put together the essence of the conflicts of these levels of power.

Hungarian Newspaper

Cover image: The internet is full of Biden's stumbles
Source: Twitter screenshot