No peace initiative that ignores one or the other of the warring parties can lead to success, the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office pointed out at the extraordinary government briefing.

Gergely Gulyás said that the government's two meetings last week mainly dealt with the current state of the war and possible outcomes, and what our country can do for peace. The protracted war contains extraordinary dangers, emphasized the minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office. As he said, Russians and Ukrainians will pay the price of the war in lives, but there are also Hungarians in the Ukrainian army. He added that the economic price will be paid by the whole of Europe.

He stated that it is correct from both points of view, from the Hungarian and EU point of view, that Viktor Orbán launched a peace mission.

According to Gulyás, it should be seen that war propaganda dominates most of the Western countries. Europe supports Ukraine, these seemed like loans for a while, but it is already apparent that they do not want to and will not pay them back.

The minister emphasized that any peace initiative that leaves out the other side of the war cannot lead to success.

He also said that it is primarily the great powers that can contribute to peace. As he said, the Prime Minister was negotiating in China today. Hungary wants to negotiate with all political leaders who advocate peace, Gulyás said.

At the same time, he added, Hungary knows exactly where it is as president. He said that we do not have a peace plan, but we are sure that a ceasefire must be concluded for the negotiations.

Gulyás explained that many people are suspicious of the peace mission and oppose it. He added: mostly those who make pro-war statements.

As he said, pressure is being put on Hungary, we have been subjected to political, legal and financial blackmail in recent months - Gergely Gulyás referred to the migration penalty.

Gergely Gulyás reported that the government made several important decisions at the government meeting on Wednesday and Sunday. First, it wants to counter war propaganda.

Therefore, the government will oblige domestic media to disclose the sources they work with and whether they use foreign sources.

Since there are EU regulations for this - the minister 2024/1428. referred to Decree no.

The government decided that all companies that made extraordinary profits through the war must pay a defense contribution.

The banking sector, multinationals and energy companies are primarily involved in this. The bank tax must be paid by all financial institutions whose deposits have not increased significantly since the beginning of the war. The government imposes a currency conversion fee on banks so that the banks cannot pass on the special tax to people and families, explained Gergely Gulyás.

In the matter of fuel prices, compared to the situation in April and May, prices were significantly reduced.

The population now pays 32 forints for gasoline and 36 forints for diesel (per liter of fuel - ed.) than a few months ago. Gergely Gulyás reminded that fuel dealers are still bound by the agreement made earlier with the government, i.e. domestic fuel prices must remain at the level of the average price in Central Europe.

The government also discussed the situation in aviation.

Due to the increase in air traffic, the majority of flights arrive in Budapest with delays, which occur even more often in the summer. However, this is not a reason - said the minister - that passengers and families waiting at the airport cannot receive information.

The government therefore expects all actors in the aviation industry to prepare an action plan and to inform the passengers and the authorities of all relevant steps. And the government encourages consumer protection to initiate proceedings.

There are currently 12 official procedures in progress. 60 percent of delays are the fault of airlines, so the government sees no other option for the consumer protection authority to impose serious penalties.


Cover photo: government spokesperson Eszter Vitályos and minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office Gergely Gulyás in the Government Information
Source: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák