Dear patriots of the motherland! Imagine that Uncle Gyuri Soros would pay for Viktor Orbán's parliamentary campaign! Isn't it unimaginable? But not in the Highlands! Here, anything (and its reciprocal) can happen... - writes Róbert Králik published on the portal .

The Prime Minister is right to hold us, the highlanders, accountable for how we could have (for so many times now) achieved such a shocking result in the elections, but then a few days later someone from Innerszörkl again nods to finance the famously balanced multi-cultural party in Gombaszög.

They are able to give quite a bit of money for an event (specifically, the biggest youth camp in the highlands), where our liberals and progressives, who are forced into the Hungarian Federation, can run their own liberal liblings without a word.

Those liberal-progressive politicians (the mascots of the two wildest pro-war, Orbán-hating parties), former heads of government, who practically took away from us (the Hungarian party) just enough votes, which would have been enough for, for example, an EP mandate in the highlands. How good that extra country would have been for the Patriot faction (because Slovakia is unfortunately missing from the member countries - Smer rather fell back into the socialist fold).

The star guests from the mushroom corner

But to excuse the mushrooms, they invited "only" the Ódores, because they could have tried with Péter Magyar, Zuzana Čaputová (sorry, she was already there), Anna Donáth, Daniel Freund, Manfred Weber, or even Ursula, the great lady from Brussels. On behalf of the Hungarian government.

Viktor Orbán is obviously not up to handling such Pislicsáré affairs personally, but it would also probably make him angry if he financed the construction of the banks of the Tisza as part of the Fidesz second line.

This is something similar. Because I'm probably not the only commoner from the Highlands who lost his temper.

A new mixed party is indeed being built here. Slowly, methodically. Compared to which, Híd 1.0 was only about as dangerous - in terms of its community-destroying effect - as a wasp sting compared to a black mamba bite.

Dear patriots of the motherland! Wouldn't they like the government to support such cross-border Hungarian activities that carry within them the efforts to break the unity of the nation in the Carpathian Basin?

That is, the crushing of the Orbán pro-sovereignists by the Brusselsites in the only Hungarian party in the Highlands.

Because the future belongs to the young. And if we educate young world citizens for our community (thanks to such liberal-progressive ideological cultures) who are inclined to the European left-liberal value system instead of national-conservatism and patriotism, then we ourselves are digging our own political grave.


Before anyone says anything, I am aware that the program item with the criticism is organized by one of the mediums (Napunk). Regardless, the director is responsible for the program. Nothing can take place in the camp without the knowledge and approval of the main organizer.

(Browse through this year's range of political and public life programs ! The well-informed reader can come across many interesting topics, guests and moderators...)

Cover photo: Péter Balík, Minister of Regional Development of the Ódor government at the 2023 Gombaszög Summer Camp – Photo: Tibor Somogyi/