It is morning. Warm. Time to gather news. The news, the events, and the human beings behind them, the controllers, tellers, and leaders of the West, are emerging. Written by Zsolt Bayer.

For example, title: "General Donald Tusk insulted Hungary and Viktor Orbán by crossing all borders" . And the news:

"Viktor Orbán is doing a lot of harm with his peace mission, in which he does not represent anyone but himself," stated Waldemar Skrzypczak based on Do Rzeczy's coverage. However, the Polish general did not stop there and crossed all borders to insult Hungary and its Prime Minister. The Hungarian Prime Minister would probably be willing to participate in the division of Ukraine, which he has not been hiding for years, he claimed. He even added that although Viktor Orbán expects the victory of Donald Trump in the American presidential election, the history of Hungary shows that politicians can never choose the right side, an example of this is the Second World War.

There you go. In front of our eyes, the general "sir" crawls forward. Anyway, his name - Skrzypczak - is proof that everyone knows Polish, because if you only say consonants, you're actually speaking Polish, at best you have no idea what. And in this we show a frightening resemblance to the Polish general, because he has no idea what he is talking about. Only he consciously does not know.

So the point is that this guy came up and burped his in the joint. "The Hungarian Prime Minister would probably be willing to participate in the division of Ukraine, which he has not been hiding for years."

Of course. However, he cleverly "doesn't hide it", because so far he has stated about a dozen times that Hungary respects Ukraine's territorial integrity and has no demands in this matter, but we expect Ukraine to respect the rights of the Hungarian minority living in its territory. It's a tricky "non-concealment"!

Anyway, we can now safely say that, on the other hand, Poland may be the one that has ideas about the "recapture" of certain areas, Eastern Galicia, with Lemberg as its center, right, not de jure, just like that, and then they will march in to "help", and then there will also remain "maintained", and there will be some kind of protectorate, which will be de facto Poland, and the West will give its blessing without further ado. For this too.

Because the West is always good, and the Poles were always able to choose the good side, unlike us, right, General? An example of this is the Second World War. That's right. Then we were on the wrong side, which of course did not prevent us from helping the Poles by opposing Hitler. Those Poles who were on the good side, and then when the Polish government-in-exile rushed to Churchill to complain and shout about what the Soviets did in Katyn, Churchill answered them:

Can't you imagine that I'm going to kick Stalin out of the coalition against Hitler because of such a trifle? And he didn't even jump out. Then the Poles, who fought on the good side the whole time, received as a reward what we received as a punishment: forty years of communism and the Soviet protectorate.

That's why it was worth it, right, General? That's why it's worth licking the bottom of the West - because we know: every sub-region is beautiful and unique.

Of course, uniqueness manifests itself in a strange way, but we also know this from the old days, this stupid, trashy little Pole knows for sure, since he was born in 1956, he is sixty-eight years old, he also grew up in the world in which "the the proletariat's favorite food is tenderloin, its favorite drink is French cognac, which it consumes through its elected representatives", and where the main hallmark of uniqueness was that everyone had to think and say the same thing.

Now tell me! Just like now!

"Russia must be defeated!" "We will fight against the Russians until the last Ukrainian!" "We support Ukraine, at any cost, even if we die!" Is that true, General? Familiar? When you became a soldier yourself, we had to defeat "imperialism" and "the West" at any cost, didn't we? And anyone who said otherwise, or was just not enthusiastic enough, was "hated like the plague". "Four legs good, two legs bad!" "Two legs good, four legs bad!" You signed both with great enthusiasm, didn't you, General?

However, there is another general, on the other side of the ocean, who says that the West and NATO provoked this war:

“Earl Rasmussen, a retired US Army lieutenant colonel and political scientist, warns that NATO is seeking a direct confrontation with Russia. As one of the proofs of the deliberate provocation of the West, he named NATO's expansion to the east, which happened despite the fact that it was agreed upon by the parties, as well as interference in the politics of Ukraine and Georgia, which were red lines for Russia in 2007-2008. »I think they are looking for a direct conflict. This entire conflict was provoked by the West. They were provoked, that's obvious," Rasmussen told Izvesztyi. »It was like waving a flag in front of a bull. "Let's look at the number of biological research laboratories in Ukraine, the number of CIA facilities, the dishonesty of the Europeans in the Minsk negotiations, the creation of an armed force of at least fifty thousand people in the so-called peacetime between 2014 and 2022," said the retired US Army lieutenant colonel.

Well, Rasmussen isn't even a general, "just" a lieutenant colonel, but still, what does Mr. General say? We know, of course. He says the same thing that Politico and 444 will soon write: Rasmussen is Putin's agent. Like Orbán. It's that simple. It would be a shame to complicate the beautiful uniqueness here...

This was also understood by the People's Party and the Libsi-Green-Komcsi part of the European Parliament, who united for the sake of the beautiful uniqueness, thus: "The People's Party and the left have agreed: the Orbán family must be isolated" .

"Not only the Patriots, but also Meloni's party family would be ousted from the leadership of important parliamentary committees. Members of the European Parliament's leading coalition have committed to block the Patriots for Europe group from gaining leadership positions in EP committees, sources in Brussels have told Euractiv. The People's Party, the Socialists and the liberal Renew agreed to isolate the new group in parliament. This was also confirmed to the paper by an EPP official."

Anyone who does not understand the essence of the West, of democracy, of beautiful uniqueness, is surely inescapable. But let's make one more attempt to enlighten their minds, to see if they can finally understand what democracy is all about in today's West. Here it is: "The Vice-President of the European Parliament immediately declared war on Viktor Orbán's patriots" .

"Katarina Barley demands that no one cooperates with the third strongest faction of the EP, because then it would sabotage what she believes is constructive politics. The Patriots for Europe faction demands important committee posts and more speaking time in the European Parliament, but the Greens and the Social Democrats want to isolate the right-wing alliance, Die Tageszeitung reports. According to the newspaper's information, left-wing politicians fear that the new faction may cause confusion in the newly elected parliament and may block important EU legislation.

The firewall facing the right must be solid. It must be ensured that no one cooperates with its representatives, this limits the possibility of the new faction to sabotage constructive politics - stated Katarina Barley, the vice-president of the European Parliament, who, to put it mildly, thinks particularly about the basic values ​​of democracy. Terry Reintke, the co-chairman of the Greens, agreed with him, saying that the politicians of the Patriots cannot get any position because their only goal is to "block Europe".

It is true that they are not alone in this "democratic approach": according to press reports, some member states led by Donald Tusk are trying to take the EU presidency away from Hungary, for which Viktor Orbán negotiated with the Ukrainian, Chinese and Turkish presidents as well as Vladimir Putin as part of the peace mission."

I hope everything is clear now. We don't "block", we don't "negotiate", we don't talk about peace, if we do, then the "firewall" will come. Katarina Barley is also a beautiful uniqueness.

And let's not forget, let's just pay attention, if you're not beautiful and unique, who makes the same face, then you're from the extreme right. Everyone here is already far-right, which is understandable, because from the Jacobin-Bolshevik, rotten cesspool where these beautiful and unique people peek out, really everything and everyone seems to be far-right - especially the ones that are still normal.

And in this world, nothing is more natural than the fact that Raphaël Arnault, who is an anti-Semitic, Jew-bashing, common-law criminal, who is registered as a terrorist suspect by the French secret service and keeps a so-called S card on him, will be a representative in Avignon, but what does that matter if Arnault Comrade Antifa and far-left activist, that is, a good comrade, he will sit in the EP next to Ilaria Salis, who likes to beat people to death in the street, in a pack, like a real cowardly rat, but because he does all this as an Antifa and far-left activist, he also good comrade.

And let's not forget this either: "After the second round of the National Assembly elections, the French far-left and ultra-radical Antifa started to rampage, destroy and go crazy as usual. A policeman was set on fire in Nantes. Despite the strong prohibition of the prefectures, the demonstrations were held in many places, and the authorities were attacked with objects, firecrackers and Molotov cocktails. The authorities arrested 25 people in Rennes alone."

This is how they celebrate. Imagine what if they lose? And of course Boróka Parászka, the beauty of Transylvanian Hungarians, does not understand what is wrong with them and why the normal world is afraid of them. It would be nice to explain it to him, thoroughly, but, after all, why?

By the way, and this is very important, the number one leader of this Western world, Comrade Biden, just named Putin Zelensky and Trump his own vice president. So everything really fell into place. Everyone climbed forward and told their story, and soon they are climbing back.

And the General inspects his troops. But it will be nice to clean them up. All of them. Of course, only if we want to live, of course...

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Publicist Zsolt Bayer gives a speech at a demonstration held in front of the European Commission's representation in Budapest on June 14, 2024. Zsolt Bayer organized a demonstration to protest against the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, according to which Hungary must pay a lump sum of 200 million euros and an additional penalty of 1 million euros per day for violating EU asylum rules. MTI/Zoltán Balogh