More and more people work in the editorial office, but the handling of the Péter Magyar phenomenon caused tension.

The sales revenues of Heti Világgazdaság Kiadói Zrt. increased by almost half a billion forints in 2023, so they exceeded 5 billion forints, Magyar Nemzet wrote based on the financial report.

According to the article, the profit after tax was reduced by approximately half, but still amounted to HUF 223 million. Among the company's expenses, personnel expenses increased the most (HUF 1.9 billion), which, in addition to wage increases, also contributed to the increase in the number of employees.

Currently, 183 people worked at HVG instead of the previous 174.

As Magyar Nemzet writes, it is not clear from the report and its published annexes how much dividend Péter Szauer, who succeeded his father as CEO and previously worked as Momentum's financial director, plans to take out this year as a burden on the result, in any case, the additional annexes show that

In 2022 and 2023, the dividend paid to the sole shareholder totaled half a billion.

At the same time, Magyar Nemzet cites the opinions of the paper's authors about the Hungarian people in connection with the report, such as W. Árpádé Tóta, who opined about Viktor Orbán and right-wing voters in an article last year: "Your unconditional supporters are old, misguided, stupid people."

And in September 2022, at an event financed from abroad, Péter Márki-Zay quoted W. Tóta in agreement, who, according to the former candidate for prime minister of the left, spoke about

hatred and unity are needed.

The HVG publicist also started a new project last year, with the aim of sensitizing children with political propaganda. W. Tóta's paper began operating in a test operation at the end of 2023, foreign sources came from Soros's Action for Democracy. This organization also financed the left's failed 2022 campaign with billions, reports Magyar Nemzet.

But he is not far from other authors of the paper to make disparaging comments about his compatriots. For example, critic Judit Csáki previously believed that

Orbán's people have no perspective, no schools, few teeth, broken or missing glasses, poor vision, obese and ruined.

At the same time, the appearance of Péter Magyar and the handling of his appearance on the scene caused tension in the editorial office, and the disputes led to significant personnel changes at the paper. HVG also tried to cosmeticize the police report about Péter Magyar's aggressive rampage.

Recently, the weekly newspaper and internet news portal celebrating its birthday advertises itself with the slogan "Subscribe to HVG, which has been independent for 45 years, both online and in print!"

At the liberal HVG, which is very sensitive to press freedom, however, nobody seems to be bothered that

45 years ago, there was still a dictatorship in which hardly any independent newspapers were published.

It is not known how a newspaper could be independent in the days of the party state.

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