The Old Music Festival has started in Csíksereda. Angéla Ferencz, the main organizer of the event, and Csaba Filip Ignác, the artistic director of the festival and the Early Music Summer University, spoke at the opening ceremony held in the great hall of the Csíki Theater.

Young volunteers dressed in baroque and renaissance styles welcomed those arriving at the ceremonial opening of the Csikszereda Old Music Festival. The 41st event was officially opened in the large hall of the Csíki Theater. The numbers clearly show that - as Csaba Filip Ignác put it - the harmony between the city and early music is perfect, since the now unavoidable event for all residents of Csíkszereda has put the city on the world map of early music.

The series of festive speeches was opened by Angéla Ferencz, the main organizer of the Old Music Festival. He read a previous writing to the gathering, which served as an answer to the question of what this festival means to him. From the list, it was possible to read everything that their places feel about the event: pride, home, familiarity. But it had everything that clearly shows how much work, creativity, patience and attention it takes to organize such a festival. This huge amount of invested energy pays off year after year, as this event undoubtedly occupies a prestigious place in the field of early music in the modern world.

In his celebratory speech, Csaba Filip Ignác, the artistic director of the festival and the Summer University of Early Music, which runs parallel to it, emphasized that this year's event takes place in the spirit of parallels and contrasts. The earliest music performed here is from the 13th century, while the latest will be contemporary music from the 21st century, including the work of a composer from Csíkszereda. The offer was carefully selected so that almost every era and every style of early music is represented.

Csaba Filip Ignác also introduced the program for the following days: the parallels and contrasts will already be found in the two concerts following the festive opening, in the performances of Musica Historica and Márta Sebestyén and Judit Andrejszki, but in the course of next week, vocal and instrumental, religious and secular, those interested can also get acquainted with Hungarian, Transylvanian, Italian, French, Spanish, English and German music. As the artistic director emphasized, a significant proportion of the performers this year are musicians from Transylvania and Csíkszereda, thus proving that Csíkszereda has become a strong base for the domestic and European early music movement thanks to the festival and the summer university.

Fourteen concerts, twelve ensembles, invited guests from France, England, Switzerland, Germany, Hungary, Transylvania and other parts of Romania - the Csikszereda Old Music Festival offers varied programs, special concerts, wine tasting, children's activities and many other special features. The full program is available here

Featured image: Csíkszereda Old Music Festival Facebook page