Action must be taken immediately and by all means against all forms of anti-life incitement and references, the Fidesz faction leader stated on his Facebook page on Sunday.

In the post, Máté Kocsis published a profile whose user, according to the politician, started a poll in "a liberal group" about when the Hungarian prime minister would be shot.

The faction leader of the larger ruling party emphasized: "we know the cowardly and sly methods of the liberal media", now they will say as scheduled that they jumped on the post of a joke site unnecessarily, "because it's just humor, it's just a joke, it shouldn't be taken seriously".

However, those times have passed - stated Máté Kocsis.

He added: yes, it should be taken seriously, because there is nothing humorous or witty about it, especially in the shadow of the assassinations against Robert Fico and Donald Trump.

"This is cold bloodlust on the part of blinded liberal haters who think it's enough to disguise their anger as a joke," he said.

Máté Kocsis noted: Viktor Orbán is only secondarily a politician, primarily a father of five and grandfather of six small children.

"So, enough of the incitement of the liberals, enough of their slyness, enough of their aggressive hatred," concluded the Fidesz faction leader.

Cover photo: Máté Kocsis, Fidesz faction leader
Source: MTI/Zoltán Máthé