Dialogue is better than confrontation. Tusványos' main strength has always been cooperation, dialogue and not confrontation, the monologue has always been his own - Zsolt Németh, Fidesz chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament, stated at the organizers' press conference in Budapest on Tuesday, July 23-28 this year. the founder of the free university between

He saw that long ago there was as great a need for thinking and analyzing political issues as there is now.

Zsolt Németh called the Russian-Ukrainian war a political epochal boundary, emphasizing that the issue of war and peace will determine the coming decades, as well as the future of the economy in addition to political and public issues.

The Fidesz politician has already called the Hungarian Prime Minister's peace mission a success.

The echo caused by the peace mission is unique, and the trend reversal in the peace narratives can be felt. It is receiving an increasingly strong response that it is not possible to think of a military solution, but a diplomatic solution is needed, he underlined, pointing out:

an important stop of the peace mission will be Tusványos, where the prime minister will give a speech on Saturday.

The chairman of the foreign affairs committee highlighted:

the idea of ​​peace alone is not enough, its realization depends on whether there is adequate political power and influence.

The formation of the Patriots for Europe faction indicates a kind of turning point in Europe, the strengthening of the international right has been in the air for a long time, and this cannot be a subject of debate depending on the European Parliament elections, he said. He called the new faction's task the protection of community, national and individual fundamental rights. The gathering has become the third force of the European Parliament, the vanguard, he believed. He considered it important that Kinga Gál holds the post of general vice president in the new faction.

Regarding the Hungarian EU presidency, he emphasized that

it is particularly important how they can improve Hungary's image and confront the prejudices that affect Hungary and affect Hungarian politics.

He indicated: they will tell you that their proposal for a cease-fire does not serve Russian interests. Contrary to the statement of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, they are not aiming for Ukrainian capitulation, but the chance for Ukraine to become a sovereign, democratic country, he said. They see that the chances of this are getting worse every day as the war drags on.

Regarding planning for the future, he mentioned the Hungarian communities across the border in a prominent place. Just as in Europe, I would like the quality of life to improve here in the region, a very important part of which is ensuring minority rights. Zsolt Németh stated that among the priorities of the Hungarian presidency, he highlighted the point aimed at the protection of cultural diversity and heritage.

He also touched on the fact that they are in the middle of an election year, with parliamentary and presidential elections being held in Romania later this year. They are committed to maintaining a strong Hungarian representation

- he stressed, and indicated as a goal that they can protect the politics organized on an ethnic basis for the Hungarians abroad. This type of politicking is subject to significant attacks, but they are not willing to make a compromise - noted Zsolt Németh.

He recalled that in 1990, the first free university and festival was organized in Bálványosfürdő, which was held at that location for seven years. They then moved to Tusnádfürdő, but they are slowly outgrowing that location as well, he noted, adding: the location has a huge appeal, it is one of the most beautiful resorts in the Carpathian Basin.

There is an opportunity to exchange ideas between the natives, those from across the border and European youth in informal conditions.

Tibor T. Toró, the vice-president of the Hungarian Association of Transylvania, spoke about how they have not changed much in the past 33 years, but the world has changed even more. Speaking about the Right Track motto, he pointed out that many people bury the division of the political field into right and left, but they would still insist on it. The founders thought of Tusványos along a specific set of values, and the work of the organizers was always characterized by the striving for the better, he said. He called it the task of politics to keep national political issues on the agenda, and he saw that this was successfully achieved. They haven't prepared such a rich program yet, he said, and among other things, he highlighted the events related to sports related to the Olympics.

Mária Tárnok, chief organizer in Hungary and chairman of the board of trustees of the Pro Minoritate Foundation, highlighted:

thousand speakers will be present at the summer university, which was prepared together with 76 partners at 34 program locations with the participation of three thousand organizers.

He indicated: the online registration interface will open on Tuesday evening, and there will be a separate registration for Saturday, which can be done on the website. Entry to the camp area is free before four o'clock, he said.


Cover image: Zsolt Németh, the Fidesz chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly, the founder of the free university, speaks at the press conference held at the Bálna Event Center on July 16, 2024, about the programs of this year's Tusványosi summer free university.
July 23-28. summer university between From the left, Mária Tárnok, chief organizer from Hungary, chairman of the board of trustees of the Pro Minoritate Foundation, from the right, Tibor T. Toró, vice president of the Transylvanian Hungarian Association. MTI/Robert Hegedüs

On the right track - says Tusványos' motto this year - WITH VIDEO