The prototype has successfully extracted water from dry air - a discovery that represents a huge step forward as drinking water shortages become a growing global problem.

A group of scientists created a machine that, in layman's terms, was able to effectively turn air into water, that is, it was able to extract moisture from the environment in dry conditions.

A separate branch of engineering deals with ways to solve water shortages, as this is still one of the biggest challenges that humanity has to deal with, reads a study published in the journal ACS Energy Letters.

There are currently several models that collect moisture from the atmosphere, but these are often not applicable in dry environments. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology invented a new machine that could provide fresh water in a wide range of climate conditions.

The prototype was able to produce 5,826 liters of water, for which the energy was supplied by the heat released during the operation of the machine. The study also states that there are about 1,300 trillion liters of fresh water in the atmosphere that could easily be extracted without relying on existing liquid water supplies.

According to the World Wide Fund for Nature, around 1.1 billion people worldwide do not have access to clean water every day.

UNICEF estimates that by 2030, around 700 million people may be forced to leave their homes due to water scarcity.


Photo: Pixabay