The Romanian media and then the Hungarian portals also reported that more than 40 Hungarian tourists were hospitalized with symptoms of food poisoning in Herkulesfürdő on Monday.

In connection with the case, the tour guide Tibor Tiponutz, who accompanied the group, was happy to be able to clear up the slips related to the case.

First of all, Tibor Tiponutz stated that it is still not at all certain that the Hungarian tourists suffered from food poisoning, as the medical officer's examination has not yet revealed anything, and the final results will only be available in two or three days.

The tour guide said that on Monday morning, 9 members of their group had complaints: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and not 12 people, as was stated in previous reports.

In fact, 12 people were taken to the hospital by bus, but one for wasp stings, one for sunstroke, and one for dizziness probably caused by stress. People suspected of food poisoning were treated at the hospital, those who showed signs of dehydration were given infusions. The other members of the group were invited to the ambulance for observation, but they did not develop symptoms later.

"Practically, the 35 people waited for the others completely symptom-free, the doctors waited to see if symptoms would appear among us, but they did not appear"

- explained the tour guide to Krónika, adding that the manager of the city hospital in Orsova saw the nine cases and notified the medical officer, who went to the scene and took samples from the patients: stool, urine and blood samples. Of the latter, no infection or virus was detected on the spot, and of the former, they can tell you the results of the culture after 2-3 days.

"They said that if it was salmonella, 40 out of 47 people would be sick, not just nine"

- said the tour guide, adding that the suspicion of salmonella is not really there because everyone recovered very quickly. They already had dinner in the evening: those who had complaints in the morning had a "little more dietary" breakfast, and on Tuesday they already had a "regular" breakfast, went on a hike with renewed strength, climbed the Déva Castle and visited the Vojdahunyad Castle.

By the way, in the nine people, the symptoms appeared within an hour, very quickly one after the other. Everyone had the same breakfast - even those who had no complaints: two types of cold cuts, salty Telemea, fried eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes. The authorities also took samples from these. Tibor Tiponutz told our paper that he will be notified of the results of the tests.


Featured Image: Sergiu Brega