Ursula von der Leyen's re-election was not supported by Hungary because her performance so far has been poor, Viktor Orbán stated on Kossuth Rádió's Good Morning, Hungary program on Friday morning. Von der Leyen is "not our political opponent, as he is our agent". There is a dependency relationship - Von der Leyen must do what the leaders of the member states want - we must find a better executor, he added. "One should not consider one's own employee as an opponent," he underlined. Soon we will form alliances, and the Patriots will be the second largest faction in the EP, by the end of the year they will be in the majority in the Western world, said the prime minister. So far, Europe has not won anything in the war, it has only lost, and the money is being spent on Ukraine. Meanwhile, farmers get less money, there is not enough money for infrastructure development either, all the money goes to Ukraine, Viktor Orbán stated on the broadcast.

Hungary did not support the election of Ursula von der Leyen, because the last five years of the Commission were characterized by poor performance. We have failed in the green transition, we are destroying the European market, in the case of war, we are not focusing on peace, but on participating in the war alongside the Ukrainians. We talked a lot about migration, but they still come in, Viktor Orbán said.

One should not regard one's own employee as an adversary

According to the prime minister, the task of the chairman of the committee is to implement the direction set by the prime ministers, therefore the center of gravity of European politics must be found in the European Council, which is the body of the prime minister, and the committee must act according to the direction issued by him.

According to Viktor Orbán, the bureaucracy governing Europe is a complicated system, but the bottom line is that von der Leyen must do what the prime ministers say, and if we want change, the next step of change can be achieved in national elections.

"I hope that the composition of the prime ministers will gradually change, and through this we will be able to give better instructions to von der Leyen than before, and that we prime ministers will be better at holding them to account than we were before"

said the prime minister.

Overall, Viktor Orbán suggested that von der Leyen should not be considered a political opponent. " One should not consider one's own employee as an adversary. That would still be absurd. Let's consider as political opponents those prime ministers who are most pro-war and pro-migrant, who, in our opinion, represent a wrong position from the point of view of Europe," added the prime minister.

According to the Prime Minister, we have made great progress in the past period from the point of view of the patriots, theirs is the third largest EP faction, which is making even more alliances.

"I still maintain my plan that by the end of the year the patriots will be in the majority in the Western world, including Europe and the United States," Viktor Orbán said.

European leaders are not doing what the people want

Regarding the re-election of Prime Minister Ursula von der Leyen, she said that behind the re-elected President of the European Commission is the same People's Party-Social Democratic-Liberal Alliance that has been behind her for the past five years. European leaders are not doing what the people want. On the other hand, in Hungary they try to implement what the Hungarian people want.

People think something, they elect leaders who then forget why they voted for them. People all over Europe want peace instead of war, but the left doesn't want to hear that - emphasized Viktor Orbán.

According to the prime minister, people do not want their families to be made a joke of. The European people want a different Europe and a different European policy than what the left is offering them anyway.

Viktor Orbán said that

there is a clear right-wing offer, proposal and program, and the patriots are at the center of it.

This is the group we have just created, which envisions a family-friendly, anti-migration and pro-peace Europe made up of nations, led by proud patriots, and is working for that, said the Prime Minister.

According to Viktor Orbán, we are now facing big changes in Europe. The next national elections will bring about changes again and again. Ursula von der Leyen expressed her faith in further support for Ukraine, but at the same time set the goal of increasing European competitiveness for the next five years.

If we are not competitive, we are living badly

In response to a question about European competitiveness, the Prime Minister said: competitiveness is an important thing, but at the same time, according to him, it is not certain that people are used to feeling the depth of this word in everyday conversations. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán put it this way: competitiveness means that if we live - that is, if we are competitive - then we live well. If we are not competitive, then we live badly.

"Given that if you are not competitive, you cannot sell the products you produce to the world. This is like if Audi, Mercedes, BMW or Richter medicines were produced in Hungary, and then they could not sell them because we produce them at such a price that our competitors offer a better price and take customers away from us," said the Prime Minister. .

This is the essence of competitiveness, according to the Prime Minister, who then added: now there is a problem with European competitiveness from this point of view.

"I'm not saying this, but what I'm saying already has the committee's stamp on it," said the Prime Minister, who at this point cited the so-called "Letta report", which had already been discussed by the European Council.

He added that a document similar to the Letta report is coming, regarding which the prime minister has already discussed, and he sees that the presenters of the next report will also focus on the problem of competitiveness.

"Therefore, we must produce cheaper, better quality and more modern products in Europe than we have done so far, and this is the central theme of the Hungarian presidency," stated Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

The issue of war will also be an important topic of the Hungarian presidency, but at the same time, we focused primarily on the issue of competitiveness. In this regard, the prime minister added: a council meeting will be held in Budapest on November 8, the central topic of which will be the improvement of competitiveness.

Regarding the connection between war and competitiveness, he said:

"Let's talk straight! So far, Europe has not won anything in this war, it has only lost and the money is going to Ukraine.

It is very difficult to improve competitiveness in such a way that if we spend an enormous amount of money on a war, which is not even our war, but a war between two Slavic peoples and we are carrying the money with a wheelbarrow to one side, we are already well over a hundred billion forints," said the Prime Minister, who then talked about: in the meantime, less money goes to the farmers, who, according to him, are on strike for understandable reasons due to the electric transition. In addition, the electric car subsidy had to be withdrawn, because the money goes to Ukraine for infrastructure development. According to Viktor Orbán, what is needed is the development of roads and bridges, railway development, but at the same time, there is not enough money in the whole of Europe, because it also goes to Ukraine. "So it is obvious that if war policy continues, the amount of money that can be used for competitiveness will be smaller, " said the Prime Minister.

In reality, war is a matter of power

"I set myself up for a peace mission not only for moral reasons, out of Christian duty," said the Prime Minister, who added that the issue of peace is also important because as long as there is a war, a war budget must be prepared, but peace is from the point of view of the economy and the budget would also create a new situation.

"Therefore, when we stand by peace and work for peace, we stand by Hungary and for Hungary," the Prime Minister stated.

Viktor Orbán said that the liberals (Von der Leyen and the European liberals) are naive people, because they think that peace can be created by getting the parties to see better, by talking to their souls. According to the Prime Minister, a peace mission is necessary because if there is not, the situation will continue to escalate. The war is spreading, intensifying and they will suffer more and more terrible losses.

- I am the only one in Europe who spoke to both parties and wrote my report, informing the prime ministers that

the two sides do not want peace.

Both sides believe that they can win, that time is on their side and that the continuation of the war will bring them an advantage, and of course there will be peace negotiations one day - said the Prime Minister, who believes that in reality war is a matter of strength. If the warring parties do not want peace, then the question must be asked whether the great power centers of the world are willing to act together for peace, not to talk to the warring parties, but to tell them that the whole world wants peace, because this war is bad for everyone. Viktor Orbán stated that the parties must be persuaded to start peace negotiations.

According to the prime minister, if the three world powers interested in the conflict (USA, China, European Union) wanted peace, then there would be peace.

The Chinese are in favor of peace anyway, the Americans are now changing. We now have a pro-war president. If President Trump comes, he will be a pro-peace president, he declared.

That's two out of three. All that is needed is us, the European Union. By the way, we are the closest, since we are talking about a European conflict. This conflict is not in America or China, but in Europe. So if the European Union realized that it should not support the war, but rather help the parties to the negotiating table, then three out of three would say that the world expects a ceasefire and peace negotiations, then it will happen. . This is the solution, said Viktor Orbán.

The European Union should also finally realize that it should not support the war, but should help the parties to the negotiating table. A serious force must be lined up behind peace, because then it will be - emphasized Viktor Orbán.

According to the Prime Minister

the difference between naive Europeans and Central Europeans is that the former have been living in prosperity and peace for several decades, while the latter have been under occupation the whole time.

We know the Soviet Union, we know the Russians, we also know the Ukrainians. We know them well and know exactly how war works when the two of them go to war. Therefore, today Central Europe and thus the Hungarian presidency also have a particularly additional responsibility - which is also a Christian duty - which we fulfill: if the good Lord puts a tool in your hands to stop something bad and serve a good thing, then that is your job. , to use this. The Hungarian presidency is like that, that's why I'm on a peace mission and will be in the future - declared Viktor Orbán, who also wrote all this to the leaders of the European Union.

The Prime Minister said: China is pro-peace, and there will probably be a change in America, a new policy may follow, which will be pro-peace. The prime minister asked the question, if all this is being prepared, why do we want to be left behind?

After November, a pro-peace political era follows. As the European Union, we would be the biggest pro-peace force in Europe. This should have been the task, but the leaders dug themselves up to their necks in trenches from which it is difficult to climb out.

The essence of the peace mission is steadfastness. It's a meticulous job, it has to be done continuously and systematically until there is a ceasefire. The turn will happen, no later than the day of the American presidential election.

It would be better if this were not a panicked, hasty turn, but a thoughtful process by which we would transition from a pro-war policy to a pro-peace European policy. This would be in everyone's interest - emphasized Viktor Orbán.

Child abuse in the adventure park in Szolnok is intolerable and calls for consequences

At the end of the interview, the case of child abuse in the adventure park in Szolnok was also discussed. The prime minister said: it is intolerable and calls for consequences. Viktor Orbán added:

"It's a simple matter. I send my child to the camp, then I know who organizes that camp.

The person to whom I gave my child and the organizer of the camp are responsible for my child"

stated the Prime Minister. He added: the organizer of the camp has the duty to look after and take care of the children entrusted to him, as well as their safety.

"Such a clear responsibility situation simply cannot happen. Whoever runs the camp is responsible to the parents," said the Prime Minister.

"The government's job is to ensure that those who cannot meet this responsibility, and apparently they were not able to meet it here, should not organize camps, because we do not want and cannot entrust our children to such people. This must be enforced," concluded the Prime Minister.

Source: MTI / hirado.hu / civilek.info

Cover photo: MTI/Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer