The question is not why Viktor Orbán embarked on such a mission, but why Olaf Scholz did not do so in the last year and a half, says András Schiffer about the peace mission of the Hungarian Prime Minister. The former Member of Parliament also expressed harsh opinions about the war, Ursula von der Leyen and Momentum.

a long interview to Mandiner , who gave his opinion on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Europe, America, as well as the domestic and foreign political situation.

Schiffer expressed a devastating opinion about the war:

"Strict American economic interests are behind the war, and at the same time it is obvious that Russia is also trying to surround itself. That is why the revelations that Russia can be broken and dismembered are hair-raising, because the Russian imperial consciousness is still strong to this day. The private capital funds that use the US state machinery also have a strategic interest: like the devil from incense smoke, they are afraid that the European economy can still somehow organically connect with Russia, China, and, where appropriate, India."

Regarding the American presidential election, he stated:

"From the point of view of global politics, it would clearly be good news if Donald Trump came back. With all his sanity and all his destructive oil background.”

he also expressed his opinion on Viktor Orbán's peace mission, in connection with which he pointed out:

"For the time being, it is undecided whether it will be another balloon prepared for domestic use on the part of Hungarian foreign policy, or whether Viktor Orbán will be the one who makes a significant contribution to avoiding nuclear escalation or at least to a ceasefire in Ukraine. One thing is certain: the most important question today is not why Viktor Orbán embarked on such a mission, but why, say, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz did not do so in the last year and a half."

Schiffer does not have a very good opinion of Ursula von der Leyen, re-elected as head of the European Commission:

"It seems that the majority of European voters still have no problem with the infinitely corrupt, or as they say in Europe: lobbyist operation, as Von der Leyen leads the union. This is the sad situation, it has to be faced."

Regarding the election results of June 9, including the role of Momentum, he stated:

"The message of Momentum's elimination is that it is possible to hate the government and the prime minister in any way and to be in fundamental disagreement with the EU policy of the cabinet. More than 95 percent of Hungarian voters do not particularly sympathize with the behavior of someone proudly contributing to the shortening of the country."

The former founder of the LMP expressed serious criticism of the capital, among other things, claiming that the declaration of a climate emergency in the settlements alone does not offer a solution to the issue of climate change:

"If we're only talking about Budapest, we shouldn't be fooling around with a climate emergency, but we could introduce, for example, the congestion charge. Or if they don't dare, at least they shouldn't block Üllő Road with bicycle paths, and they shouldn't obstruct traffic on the city's main thoroughfare, the Chain Bridge and the wharf. I live in the city center, the climate emergency here consists of the capital's wise leadership blocking traffic in the narrow streets and the Kiskörút. These are substitute actions and they fit into the same benevolent project as the madness of identity politics.”

András Schiffer states after the elections that Ferenc Gyurcsány should face one thing:

"the central power field was not created merely on an ideological drawing board, but Viktor Orbán assessed that those who are opposed to Fidesz-KDNP, the interests of those who are opposed to those of the government are often opposed to those of the government for mutually exclusive reasons. This does not mean that Orbán cannot fail, but if he does, it could easily be a chaotic few years ahead.

András Schiffer stated.

Cover photo: Facebook/András Schiffer