Hungary has finalized its agreement with the American Axiom Space, according to which the second Hungarian astronaut will be sent into outer space with the company's upcoming Ax-4 mission, Orsolya Ferencz, ministerial commissioner responsible for space research at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, informed MTI.

During the mission, the Hungarian research astronaut will spend 14 days on board the International Space Station, where he will be tasked with conducting scientific experiments that will not only put the actors of the domestic space sector, but also Hungary in a competitive position on an international level in one of the most dynamically developing industries of the 21st century - he said to it.

According to his information, the exact start of the mission, i.e. the date of the launch, cannot be known yet, it will be determined jointly by Axiom Space and NASA.

The specialists responsible for the research and development content of the Hunor program continue to work together with the partners and Axiom Space in order to ensure that the preparation and implementation of the scientific portfolio launched by domestic scientific workshops, universities, research institutes and space industry companies is successful, emphasized the minister. commissioner, and then added that at the same time as the scientific content is being prepared, the research astronauts and their reservists selected by the specialists of the Hunor program are also continuing their preparations, who will soon begin their mission-specific training in the United States.


Featured image: reserve research astronaut Gyula Cserényi and selected research astronaut Tibor Kapu at the press conference of the Hunor Hungarian Astronaut Program (Photo: MTI/Róbert Hegedüs)