The two major right-wing factions could act with united force in the event of Trump's victory.

It is a great thing that the prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, who is the successive president of the union, met with the leaders of the world's biggest powers in a few days in order to advance the cause of peace. Putin, Xi Jinping, NATO, Erdogan, and Zelensky. This is an outstanding achievement on the part of the Hungarian Prime Minister. Viktor Orbán proved once again that he is not a small-field player, not even among the big ones.

The stated objectives of the six-month presidency are also very beautiful and very good: increasing competitiveness, economic renewal, ability to develop and catch up with the world, solving demographic issues, ending migration madness, fighting inflation, more effective green policy, protecting agriculture, etc. Yes, this is all needed to improve the performance of the union.

However, in order for these striking goals to be realized, first and foremost the political structure, decision-makers, and institutional functioning of the union would have to change.

So that what happens in Europe is not shaped by a general staff from Brussels, completely separated from the European citizens and rather connected to the Davos elite and global circles.

We can demand anything and any goal from morning to night, if the most important issues in the Union are decided under the control of the European Commission - and the European Parliament, which is strangling it - in a way that constantly violates even the basic treaties of Lisbon, be it the dilemma of war or peace, migration, about the development of economic relations - see, for example, the relationship with China - LGBTQ issues, saving or destroying agriculture, the Green Deal, assessing the real causes of climate change and so on.

That is why the basic condition for the realization of the above essential goals is none other than

such as the question of how the union should function, what institutions should have what weight and how the entire union should become democratic again, if it can even be called that - I think it has not been for a long time anyway, but a forced coexistence torn into two parts, on one side of which there are the globalists and on the other side are the patriots.

And as for the patriots: the most important event of recent years is precisely because of the above the formation of the Patriots for Europe faction, in which Viktor Orbán played an initiating role.

What is not really good news: unfortunately Giorgia Meloni's support for war and the similar view of the PiS (Law and Justice party) currently make it quite doubtful that the Patriots could unite with the Conservatives and Reformers faction, but there is a much greater chance that if Donald Trump returns and wins in November, then the issue of war will be cast in a radically new light. There is a chance that Meloni and our Polish friends would reevaluate their role and the big merger could come together. In particular, the Identity and Democracy faction has practically merged into the Patriots group.

So what am I talking about? About the fact that in a new and favorable situation the Patriots can become such a force in the EP that they can take advantage of this to bring up the revision of the basic treaties of Lisbon and the negotiation of a new EU basic treaty, which would place the functioning of the union on a completely new basis.

One thing is certain: the union is currently floundering, floundering, unable to make a decision, and if it decides, it will be "sent from somewhere else". For example, from the USA or from Davos, or from transnational companies of gigantic size and power, banking giants, and asset managers.

And in the meantime, the member states are being pushed out of decision-making with full awareness, with special attention, of course, to the Central and Eastern European countries, which are still treated as "little snots" by the founding Western countries. If the way the union operates, its hierarchy, and its decision-making mechanism do not change, then the nice words and nice ideas are useless: they will not be allowed and implemented by the Brussels elite.

In other words, the root of the problems is none other than the union itself in its current state. More precisely, the root of the problems is the current functioning of the union, which unfortunately reflects the ideas of the post-war absolute federalist and globalist founding fathers. This must fundamentally change. A new League of Patriotic Nations must be created, in which the parties who participate voluntarily negotiate with each other at eye level, not condescendingly, looking down from above.

We have to turn things upside down: it doesn't work to trust the WEF's Ursula von der Leyen, the sorosist Kaja Kallasok and the other Brussels leaders, or for example the Court of Justice of the European Union, which Miklós Szánthó recently pointed out in his excellent investigative article , that in fact the court is not a legal institution, but a political-ideological center, which is entirely in the captivity of György Soros and the even more powerful forces behind him, more precisely, no longer in his captivity, but under his control.

It will not work if we do not grasp the problem at its root, which is none other than the fact that the union in its current state is not a democratic, non-rule of law, non-subsidiarist, non-equal assembly of parties, but an over-centralized, law and an arbitrary, bureaucratic, and above all autocratic organization that has long disregarded basic contracts.

And such an organization, which, moreover, wants to become the United States of Europe, will always only and exclusively do what the globalist groups and elites behind them allow it to do. The consequence of this is the forcing of war to an incredible extent, not stopping migration, but encouraging it - which leads us to Kalergi's Europe with a mixed race and religion and culture, which also means its death - disregarding and even suppressing Christianity, the conquest of Islam concession, the suicidal economic policy and I won't list it again.

I know what I'm saying is risky. After all, I recommend that, for example, we Hungarians, during our consecutive presidency, together with the Patriots for Europe faction, initiate the revision of the basic treaties and the creation of a new European cooperation based on the sovereignty of the nations.

If you like, a new convention, a constituent assembly established by the member states, which will reconsider the entire operation, image, character, institutional arrangement, and decision-making mechanisms of the union.

Because I ask, what is in the other pan of the scale? It is nothing but the image of a continent drifting more and more with events, sliding down, economically weakening and becoming insignificant. To a continent that neither the West nor the East will take seriously, and they will increasingly make their world-defining decisions about life, death, war and peace without us, but the consequences will affect us all, European and Hungarian citizens - and I suspect not advantageously. That's why I dared to come up with the above idea, of course more like a kind of noble goal, formulating all of this as an idea.

After all, I know that implementing all this requires hellish courage even from the Hungarian Prime Minister, who does not go next door for courage or even recklessness.

And it is also possible that in more and more countries belonging to the Patriot faction, the patriots take over power, and as a result, after a while, the countries governed by patriot parties may become an important factor in the European Council as well. Which means that the patriotic countries of Europe will become such a broad group that is capable of developing an independent policy towards Brussels, if necessary, going against it, and not tolerating contradictions. Breaking up with them if necessary.

And I'll stop there - I'll leave the rest to their imaginations and the course of history.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Photo: Francois Walschaerts / AFP