The campaign song of the opposition coalition was born, with the title: Power belongs to the people!

The well-sounding refrain is not new, since in the 1950s and 1960s the communists representing the people regularly voiced it, although they never represented the people, they did not have the interests of the nation in mind, but internationalism. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised if the left-liberal collapse likes this song, although the Gyurcsánys do not call the selling out of the country internationalism, but an EU collaboration.

The melody itself is somewhat familiar, and the lyrics around the chorus clearly indicate some hatred, "The evil is only strong as long as the good are idle." but the inspiring repetition suppresses this: the Power belongs to the People! The only catch is that, according to those who like the song, today in Hungary the evil is the majority, and they are the good!

There is still time before the elections for more songs to be added to the Power of the People song. It could even be performed in a modernized version: We have one path with the Party, with the people, Comrade Sződd a selymet, it could be recalled with a name change, Thank you Comrade Rákosi, Munkásőr has a problem..., and the young fans should have the song Mint a mokus fenn a fán to update. In addition, the descendants would not have to do much research, it would be enough just to visit that little Apró villa and Ms. Klára will certainly be able to provide you with many movement vinyl records.