After his campaign full of lies, Péter Magyar has now kicked EU customary law.

The specialized committees were established in the European Parliament, and their presidents and vice-presidents were elected yesterday. Péter Magyar, the new chairman of the Tisza Party, became the vice-chairman of the body's constitutional affairs committee. The scandal-ridden politician is very proud of his new position, but at the same time, he no longer reported that he kicked EU customary law in exchange for the position.

According to the rules of the European Parliament, gender balance must prevail among the vice-presidents of the individual committees. A man became the president of the Constitutional Affairs Committee, and the first vice president thus became a woman. Since the positions of the second and third vice-presidents were also men, according to the rules of the house, a female candidate should have been elected as the fourth vice-president.

Despite the fact that Péter Magyar was aware of this, he still insisted on keeping the nomination. For this purpose, it was proposed that the board could deviate from the house rules - this was finally allowed.

The suddenly forgotten Péter Magyar didn't say a word about dirty tricks and disregarding the rules on his social media page.

It is not the first time that the head of the Tisza party leads public opinion. As our paper previously reported, during the election campaign he declared in dozens of interviews and statements that he had no intention of sitting in the European Parliament, and even boasted more than once that in the future he would "live on the market" .

I'm sure I won't sit in the European Parliament

- he proved, for example, in the interview given to Telex in April. Also speaking to Blikk at the time, he explained in more detail why he plans his future in the way mentioned:

"I would consider it logical that I will lead the party list supported by Talpra Magyarok Mozgalom (TMM) in the EP elections, but this will be decided jointly by our party and the partner party. At the same time, I have no ambition to become a member of the European Parliament, I want to work at home until 2026, until the parliamentary elections, so that we can take back our country".  

At one of the street forums, in Mezőhegyes, he also confirmed that, despite the fact that he leads the list, he will not take up his mandate.

I can promise that

he stated.

During the campaign, Magyar praised the future EP representatives of the Tisza Party on several occasions, but never once mentioned himself as a potential candidate for this position. Shortly after the elections, he slowly began to trick the voters that he had to sit in the European Parliament. To avoid a complete loss of face, he also started a poll on his social media page to at least give the appearance that he is not going to Brussels of his own free will.

He lies all the time

Péter Magyar practically constantly contradicts himself - Dániel Deák, the XXI. Század Institute senior analyst.

His communication is not consistent and predictable, but contradicts himself and lies to himself

Dániel Deák emphasized.

According to him, this may not cause him a problem from a political point of view in the initial period, since in his case it is still a new political phenomenon, so for now the voters who are behind him are enthusiastic.

However, as time passes and he integrates his party into the normal opposition operation, it will cause him more and more problems, as it will result in a serious crisis of credibility in the Tisza Party's voting base as well.

he explained.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Péter Magyar / Facebook