On his official Facebook page Péter Márki-Zay called on the candidate for Prime Minister of the Republic of DK not to state untruths about him for the sake of the success of the coalition, to end the "false hate campaign" that he is conducting against him in the press and social media.

Márki-Zay writes in his post: 

I consider the false hate campaign that Klára Dobrev is now conducting against me in the press and social media to be extremely unworthy of Klára Dobrev's successfully built campaign. Contrary to his statement the term "traitor" never left my mouth , and the people I spoke about to ATV were not DK voters, but politicians from the Párbeszéd party who betrayed Gergely Karácsony, he added.
With the series of false attacks, which now do not even spare my intimate family and private life, my wife and children , the DK campaign team actually wants to divert attention from the news that yesterday another serious public opinion poll proved that if the opposition runs with my candidacy Viktor Orbán against, then we can win together if, however, Klára Dobrev is the joint candidate, Orbán would remain the prime minister . All the researches of the last decade are consistent in one thing: just as she has not won against Fidesz in any election, we are not aware of any research that says that Klára Dobrev could defeat Viktor Orbán - pointed out the Prime Minister candidate.
Now even the supporters of DK have the only hope if they vote for me in the primary election.
Photo: MTI/Sándor Ujvári