The French can increase it, after the Seine polluted with excrement, here comes the paper bed. Only environmentally conscious!

An astonishing video is spreading on the Internet about how in the advanced, developed West, the residents of the Olympic village are waiting with beds made of cardboard. Just for comparison, in Hungary - which, according to Momentum, would not have been ready to host the Olympic Games - the homeless sleep on cardboard.

In the name of sustainability, box beds were added to the athletes' rooms, but based on the first feedback, they are not the most comfortable.

Matilda Kearns, one of the players of the medal-prone Australian women's water polo team, reported on her social media page after her first night in the Olympic village that

the beds made of cardboard are extremely uncomfortable, apparently you can hardly sleep on them and they cause back pain, which is why he already needed a massage to repair the damage.

Among the commenters, several people harshly criticized the conditions, calling it incomprehensible why athletes preparing for one of the biggest opportunities of their lives should be teased - some even compared the conditions in the room to those seen in the movie The Hunger Games


And even though we know that we should be very grateful to Momentum for their right to organize the Hungarian Olympics, since we would not have been ready to organize a world competition of such a volume, we would like to know their opinion. Do they think Paris was prepared? Or is the economic situation weighing on them so much that they didn't even have enough for a camping bed? I wonder what the new president Márton Tompos would write on his social media page if we welcomed the competitors with play beds in Hungary? Your page probably wouldn't be so empty.

Revenge emptying into the Seine

As we reported earlier, there are also scandals around the Seine to this day. Because there are a lot of homeless people and prostitutes in Paris, who were banned from the city during the Olympics in order to improve the image of the city. The aggrieved parties and those in solidarity with them therefore began to threaten to empty it into the Seine so that it would not be possible to swim there. They did this, among other things, because Emmanuel Macron, the French president, said that he would also take a dip in the river.

Variations on protest: some people march against the war, others settle in the Seine

In the end, he didn't, but the sports minister and the mayor of Paris were thrown into deep water and had to swim for a while in the Seine, thus proving that there is nothing to see here, the water is clean.

By the way, this is not the first time that the quality of the Sejna is on the front page of the newspapers. In 2020, for example, hundreds of liters of toxic sewage spilled in the eastern part of Paris. The sewage from the cement factory of the Franco-Swiss company Lafarge-Holcim entered the river and was a mixture of chemicals and microplastics for the treatment of sewage.

The Paris Olympics started with these inconveniences, which, according to Momentum, is better prepared for this sporting event than Hungary in all aspects.

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Featured image: The Yomiuri Shimbun via AFP / Yomiuri