Fundraising services are suitable for circumventing domestic legal regulations. 

In recent decades, a public gray zone has emerged in Hungary, where actors financed and controlled from abroad carry out their activities in a way that violates the sovereignty of our country and in accordance with the interests of their hidden principals. In the current Hungarian legal system, these groups take advantage of the legal framework enjoyed by civil organizations and media.

The Sovereignty Protection Office has identified companies related to fundraising, database construction, recruitment, data management, and payment services found on the public communication interfaces of parties, candidates, and politically active organizations. It was found that these services are suitable for concealing the identity of donors, because in the case of fundraising sites, the donor's data is not managed by the recipient, so the identity of the donor remains hidden. Even in the case of the best intentions and law-abiding behavior of the recipients, they cannot be convinced of the truthfulness of the statement about the donor.

The analysis shows in detail that new channels for the financing of party, campaign and political pressure activities have been created, which enable the financing of party political activities abroad. Among the new financing methods supported by information technology, the transparency required by international regulations has become impossible. In addition to the existing legal regulations, the donation cannot exclude the financing of prohibited foreign parties and campaigns, and it also provides space for the non-transparent financing of organizations exerting political pressure.

During the research and analysis carried out by the Office, it was revealed that the Lunda service of both the American Action Network and Estratos (the legal successor of Datadat, which is connected to Gordon Bajnai) is suitable for evading domestic regulations. The two service providers are connected and are expanding together in Europe.

Based on the information discovered so far, the Office for the Protection of Sovereignty will launch an investigation against the parties, civil organizations and companies concerned.

the full analysis by clicking here .

Source: Sovereignty Protection Office

Photo: Pixabay