The minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office called the judgment of the European Court against Hungary for its migration policy disgraceful, intolerable and blood-curdling, which, according to the head of the ministry, indicates that the court can no longer be used for an impartial decision of legal disputes.

Gergely Gulyás indicated that the government wants to reach an agreement with the European Commission as quickly as possible, but if the result of the agreement is that external border protection will not remain sustainable, then

We will continue to "protect the territory of Hungary with all means", but we "cannot guarantee" that hundreds of thousands of migrants will not cross the southern border to Austria and Germany.

Hungary, fulfilling its obligations under the Schengen Agreement, has protected Europe's borders with its own resources to the value of around two billion euros, but it is unacceptable to be fined for this, he said.

Ukraine blackmails those who consistently support peace talks by stopping oil deliveries

Gergely Gulyás called it unfair and contrary to EU agreements that Ukraine is blackmailing Hungary and Slovakia because of its pro-peace position.

He indicated:

this represents an extreme danger from the point of view of security of supply.

"For the time being, there is no reason to panic, because the level of reserves is high," he said, indicating at the same time that a solution to the situation must be found by September.

By stopping the supply of crude oil, Ukraine violated the EU Association Agreement

Ukraine violates many provisions of the European Union Association Agreement by limiting the transportation of crude oil, the minister responsible for European Union affairs stated in Budapest on Friday.

János Bóka told Government Information that in cases requiring such urgent measures, at the initiative of the member states, the European Commission will start a consultation procedure with Ukraine within three days.

If this does not lead to results,

an arbitration procedure can be initiated, which gives the opportunity for several responses

- said the minister.

The Hungarian government is also investigating whether Ukraine's measures to limit the supply of crude oil violate the rules of the WTO (World Trade Organization) and the Energy Charter, said János Bóka.

Source: MTI / /

Front page photo: Government Spokesperson Eszter Vitályos (b) speaks, flanked by Minister responsible for European Union Affairs János Bóka (k) and Minister in charge of the Prime Minister's Office Gergely Gulyás (j) at the Government Info press conference in the Prime Minister's Office building on July 26, 2024.
MTI/Zoltán Máthé