He barely reached Tusványos, but in the end Ákos threw a huge party.

Ákos' trip to Tusnádfürdő had to be completely reorganized due to the canceled WizzAir flights. The singer and his team planned to go to the concert announced for Thursday evening by plane, but first they were faced with a delay and then with the final cancellation of the flight, so at the last minute they set off by car and bus. To the great joy of the fans, he finally arrived on time and gave a fantastic concert in Tusványos.

"We have been on our way to Tusványos since 5:00 yesterday afternoon... We waited for the plane for four or five hours in Ferihegy before it turned out that it was not leaving. After a quick airport crisis team and a decision, we set off without sleep at dawn to make sure we didn't miss tonight's concert. It's not easy by car or bus, detours and hours of waiting hinder you, but we're coming! It's just a reward if they promise a little rain and 13 degrees for the duration of our performance..."

Ákos wrote on his Facebook page. But as several commentators, and finally he himself, noted, all's well that ends well: the team arrived at Tusnádfürdő on time, and compared to the previous days, the rain was much lighter during the concert, which went on without any problems. And the atmosphere spoke for itself.

In his interview with the organizers, Ákos said: for him, faith and conversion is a process that can never be finished, it must be lived every day. He believes that he still has at least the memory of childhood purity in his soul, he loves his profession, he never calls it work, because being on stage keeps you in a constant state of freshness, one could say in an artificial childhood.

As he put it, his own experiences show that we don't have to take ourselves seriously, because our lives are the size of a speck of dust. However, our work must be taken very seriously. We should never listen to the voice that says the opposite, because that voice is not working for us.

"There will be something to tell the grandchildren," reads Ákos' latest post. “That was tough, my dear friends! But all's well that ends well. And that was lavish! We'll be mentioning it for a while, that's for sure... Thank you!"


Featured image:

Source: Tusványos' Facebook page