The result of Saturday's election caused many people to be very emotional, even though it was such a big surprise based on the campaign, the messages and the circumstances. Fico won, the progressives came up, the Alliance collapsed again on the threshold, and the Hidas-Forumists were driven into the ground by their own voters to stop this antics.

The dissonance experienced during the campaign, on the other hand, is far outweighed by the statements following the results. László Sólymos blames his failure on the short amount of time, while the politicians of the Alliance see the reasons in the media, public opinion polls and the high participation rate, while the supporters see György Gyimesi as the reason. The only thing missing are the tsí, the karma and the frogmen.

Nevertheless, after the fifth fall in a row, Krisztián Forró talks about a historic result, that they obtained 130 thousand votes. This is why the vernacular says that the king is one-eyed among the blind.

Because if we look at the results of Együttélés and the other parties at the time, then MKP and until 2020, Híd, we can see that they received far more votes than this 130,000. Moreover Napunk's analysis pointed out that the historical indicator is more appropriate in the light of the fact that parties with a Hungarian connection have never received so few votes together, as the current 130 thousand + a few thousand of the Híd-Hungarian Forum.

Interestingly, no one sees anything wrong with the characters of the TOP ten candidates, the party's political activity and communication, nor with the fact that, according to preliminary calculations, more than 50,000 Hungarian votes could have gone to Slovak parties this time.

If this is a historically good result, many people would be interested in what the bad could be like for them?

In line with this logic, the leadership of the Association decided with great confidence that, breaking the previous "bad practice", it would not take responsibility at all and neither the president nor the presidency would resign. Their example is also followed by the other two atomized parties, Híd and Magyar Fórum. As a classic puts it: “There's nothing to see here. People, we can go on!” However, when looking at the results, a Transylvanian saying comes to mind, that the result is not bad, but the good one doesn't look like that. And whichever way we approach the topic, the fact that the Hungarians from the highlands will still not have representation in the parliament does not change the reality. It's been 13 years now. And if I've already paraphrased so many quotes, here's one from József Berényi, according to which football is played for goals and politics for mandates.

However, in the top league, the Association and its predecessor have been unable to score a goal for 13 years now. However, there are those who have been trying as strikers ever since.

After this, however, this may still not be the most surprising thing for the voters, but the sudden skepticism of those who, a few days ago, believed everyone that the Alliance would achieve not 5, but straight 6 or more percent (some still believe that public opinion - also created research on it.

Mózes Szabolcs and György Gyimesi and a few others already saw the day after the election that ethnic politicization was over, and that the Hungarian party would never again enter the parliament alone. Like them, I was also surprised by Orsz Örsz's opinion that he thinks the 4.38% result is absolutely realistic and that's all there is in the community.

Several days have passed since the election, and as far as I can tell, the sun has risen every morning and our community of half a million has not faded away like perfume. The census data clearly show that 5 percent would be more than enough in the community, but for that the basic rules of policy-making would have to apply.

Namely, for the political party to have a character, a clear set of values, and a predictable course. The representative of the party, the leader, can convey this to the voters in a bold, understandable, clear and interesting way.

In the case of the Association, none of these were fully fulfilled (and we put it mildly). Although it should be added that there was an effort to resolve the lack of courageous (meaning cowardly) communication and the lack of characterful messages with the arrival of Gyimesi, who as an outsider tried to point out the shortcomings that the candidates at the top of the list did not dare to face.

However, despite the fact that he invested a lot of energy and money in his campaign, voters basically did not identify the party with him due to the visible distance of those at the top of the list. Precisely for this reason, no one thought that this would be the party's main narrative.

Even in live television broadcasts, the leader was not able to say basic questions that concern most people.

Would they support the war in Ukraine, would they give way to the LBGTI+ push, how would they relate to the blackmails of Washington-Brussels-Moscow. But couldn't anyone know who they wanted to work with? Or, many were also surprised by the fact that, denying the obvious, why it was not possible to take on the current Hungarian government and the Fidesz-KDNP party alliance as a strategic partner. All of Krisztián Forró's expressions radiated the compulsion to conform to everyone's direction, thus not assuming anything, the lack of basic character, courage, and determination.

No matter what government is formed, the neglect of southern Slovakia will continue, and only the Hungarian Government can be counted on to protect and represent the Hungarians in the highlands with its diplomatic tools and other possibilities. Therefore, it would not hurt to pay attention to the words of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who spoke about the poor performance of the politician in the highlands at this year's Tusványos.

Joining the Prime Minister's words, now is the time for those responsible to take responsibility for the wrong strategic decisions and resign and make room for leaders who are able to ensure a future for the Hungarians in the highlands without becoming outdated or worn out, because if it is the same for the sixth or seventh time, the competition is done with the same methods and the same people, then the sixth or seventh time and even many times the end result will be an Indian head full of beautiful hopes in an empty pool.

In half a year, there will be European Parliament elections. Arrange the rows! Ethnic politicization does have a future in the Highlands, but it must be cultivated well.

Author: Ákos Csonka / Felvidé

Cover photo: MTI Photo: Zoltán Máthé