I love reading the writings of the former censor named Ildikó Lendvai. He enjoys the endlessly primitive agitation, which he continues monomaniacally even after his political activity, which has already ended, thank God.

has a brainstorm due to the banning of mobile devices (we used to call them phones, but nowadays you can do everything with them, except it's difficult to make calls) from classes Because banning is an outdated, prehistoric method, long live modern progressivism and the child can do whatever he wants during class. That way he'll love going to school, but if he's deprived of his digital drug, he'll be under or what.

Now comes my text, which young people hate so much: In my time...

Yes, in my time, school was used for teachers to pass on knowledge to students, i.e. - sacrilegious idea - you had to pay attention and learn during class. Whether we wanted it or not. If it was up to us, then no, we just didn't have a say. True, we didn't have digital gadgets either. But!

There was paper and pen with which we could write small messages to each other during class. It was the mechanical sms. Of course, only until the teacher noticed. At such times - oh father of mercy, don't leave me! - he simply took the letter, even many times - what an insult to privacy! - he read it. Because according to the general perception of teachers, the subject of the lesson should be dealt with during the lesson, private life issues can be settled and discussed outside of the lesson.

For the same reason, it was forbidden to talk during class, i.e. to chat up close. The reward for such activity is a terrible spiritual shock! - it could have been several. To stand by the bench until the end of the lesson, or in the corner, or out in the corridor by the door. Terrible, this is the Inquisition itself!

It was, but today we are progressive.

Back in that wonderful era, when the monstrosity called SZDSZ was the head of the Ministry of Education, I tried to extract reasons from the state secretary of Libernia on how to maintain order. I asked what a teacher can do in order to be able to teach in class. Because the teachers have been banned from all kinds of disciplinary options, they can't even send the child out of the class who, despite all requests and warnings, keeps bothering the others. To which our great sage replied, the teacher has no right to deprive the child of the opportunity to learn. I asked back: why, does the recalcitrant have the right to make it impossible for the other thirty to learn? To this, he voiced the argument from Dodona, that it is necessary to hold such exciting classes that even the reluctance's attention is captured. I dared to object that, for example, my attention could not have been occupied by anything in math class, given that I hated math.

What was the world-saving answer? The teacher will solve this. Thanks, if you don't tell me, I'll die stupid.

As far as I know, the mission of the school has not changed to this day. Classrooms have not become chat rooms or entertainment venues, and even today, students don't have to sit there to kill time as they please. Unfortunately, everyone has to learn for a while, this cannot be changed. Smart devices do not learn for children, knowledge cannot be left to "I'll type it into the search engine" . Because what if there is no internet or your mobile phone dies?

Then, my child, you stand like a calf staring at the new gate and just blink stupidly.

In addition to a thousand disadvantages, there are undoubtedly some advantages of this smart device, but it is not him who has to be smart, but us. For example, by using the mobile phone during the lesson only if it helps to understand the course material. But for this to be the case, it would require a very conscious user, which can be classified as wishful thinking or impossible. Most of the children have no intention of showing self-restraint, if they have the device, they use it more than as a learning aid.

This is a fact, because the child is just like that.

In Mutti Lendvai's writing, he does not go into how it could be - because it is not possible - to resolve that the child has the cell phone, but does not use it for private purposes during the lesson. He doesn't address it because he doesn't know either. In its place comes insulting the government, mentioning "antiquated, anti-modernization and anti-progressive perception of the Hungarian state"

He may be right, the creation of normal teaching conditions in his Komcsi reading is anti-modernization and anti-progressive. What a lingering, stone-age idea that you have to study at school!

A pagan madonna , where Uncle Matuska (László Bánhidi) as an "undercover agent" comes to mind. A French driver stops by to wash his car, and Uncle Matuska interrupts him, saying:

"We are not in capitalism so that the worker has to work!"

And according to Lendvai's understanding: We are no longer in socialism so that the student has to learn!

Ildikó's summary judgment: "Orbán declares a fight against the "progressive virus". The fight seems to be successful. It's just that the patient is dying."

This is exactly as true as what he proclaimed during the Gyurcsány government: "I say it slowly so that everyone can understand. I say it slowly so that Viktor Orbán can understand. There will be no gas lift.” Then it happened three times. Well, the patient almost died from that cure.

However, no one will die from the ban on the use of mobile phones during class, not even the teachers.

Do I need to say anything else, Ildiko?

Featured image: MTI/Lajos Soós