According to the DK, the "hype" about the national strategy does not hide the strategic weakening of Hungary, and the MSZP hopes that the prime minister did not prepare Hungary's exit from the European Union. According to Momentum, instead of air-conditioned hospitals, the theme was "Trump, Trump and Trump." Péter Magyar said that there was an "amazing sarcastic part" of the speech.

On Saturday morning, Viktor Orbán gave his traditional speech in Tusnádfürdő, in which he talked about the relationship between Hungary and Romania, the Hungarian peace mission, what they said about it in Brussels, but he also mentioned Mike Tyson and the movie The Matrix. According to the prime minister, the Poles are doing the most eye-rolling politics in all of Europe, while the Americans want to make Poland the American center of Europe, and at the same time, the three Ts have returned in Brussels, and Hungary belongs to the prohibited category.

He also spoke about the need to take a new impetus in the demographic processes, a self-sustaining state is needed here, and this should not be solved through migration. That is why the tax allowance for children must be doubled next year.

Viktor Orbán: The Poles do the most eye-rolling politics in all of Europe

Opposition reactions to the Prime Minister's speech are coming one after the other. On behalf of the Democratic Coalition (DK), Olga Kálmán, faction spokesperson of the DK, wrote: "the talk about the national strategy does not hide the strategic weakening of Hungary, which is a consequence of Orbán's historical, political rampage" . According to the party, the "political aspirant" was blinded by the war, his personal and political vulnerability to the Russians, and Orbán only sees the interests of his terrible political allies instead of the world, and his politics do not build, but lose Hungary.

They added: whoever claims that Europe as a political project is dead, but as a military and defense project must be built, not only does not understand, there is no common defense without a common policy, but directly endangers the Hungarian people.

Orbán's cynical talk about how his policies protect people is the guilty self-exoneration of a morally corrupt person. If the prime minister were not in the role of a fourth-class international strategist and did his job, then today Hungary would not be the worst performing country in the region and the EU in terms of the value of salaries, inflation, and the state of health care! The only possibility for the Hungarian rise is to get rid of Orbán and make way for the politics represented by the Democratic Coalition

- says the statement of the DK.

"Trump, Trump and Trump"

According to Member of Parliament Zsolt Molnár, MSZP vice-chairman of the National Cohesion Committee, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in his speech in Tusványós

"we could hear a presentation about the new Hungarian miracle, the Hungarian grand strategy".

"Unfortunately, the prime minister forgot to mention that, thanks to the government's faulty economic policy, we recently had to borrow a billion euros from China, while we failed to receive EU funds for our country. He also forgot to talk about the fact that due to high inflation and the high state debt, today the Hungarian state spends more on the state debt than on health care (almost HUF 3,000 billion), and in terms of GDP, the Hungarian state spends the most money on state debt in the EU. - wrote the MSZP representative who, according to him

we can only hope that Viktor Orbán did not prepare Hungary's exit from the European Union in today's speech, which also fits in with the American presidential election campaign.

And Momentum reacted briefly and succinctly as follows: "What was Orbán's speech in Tusványos about? Trump, Trump and Trump. What was it supposed to be about? About how there will be air-conditioned hospitals and how there will be a functioning MÁV".

Aggressive dwarfs

According to Péter Jakab, president of the People's Party Movement, Fidesz is a virus and should be quarantined.

"What Orbán performed today in Tusványos is terrible. He spoke of aggressive dwarves who do not represent the people. No, he was not thinking of himself, but of Brussels. He spoke of a declining West and a growing East, which, according to him, is not bad for us, in fact, it is a new opportunity".

Péter Jakab believes that this is actually a new opportunity for theft, intimidation, election fraud, and the building of national oligarchs, whom Orbán only called national champions. As he wrote, "According to Orbán, our national champions are Mészáros, Tiborcz and the other relatives and friends who ensure financial independence. Not really for us, just for them. We get a one billion euro Chinese loan. We obviously need the money, because we finally found out that he wants to extend the family support even beyond the border. One billion euros will not be enough to pay this much family allowance..."

Péter Magyar also spoke

Péter Magyar, the president of the Tisza Party, also reacted to the prime minister's speech on Saturday afternoon. According to him , "80 percent of the speech was about a Budapest-centered world policy (he didn't just talk about the Indians), but there was no mention of the problems of the Hungarian people and the glaring injustices experienced in our country."

He also said: there was no mention of the fact that, while the Prime Minister's friend is rocking a 30 billion dollar yacht on the French Riviera, children's surgeries are not being performed in Hungary due to a lack of funds, and there was no mention of the shattered education, of our compatriots living below the three million subsistence minimum, of the hundreds of thousands who fled abroad .

The chairman of the Tisza Party also explained that on Saturday the Prime Minister "dreamed about the demographic sustainability of Hungary, while thanks to their totally wrong policy, so few Hungarian children have ever been born. He also talked about the fact that they will soon radically reduce the national debt, while the Hungarian debt is at its peak and now they are pledging the future of our children and grandchildren with a Chinese giga loan" .

There was an amazingly sarcastic part of the prime minister's speech when he confabulated about the introduction of the 3 T world in Brussels (ban, tolerate, support), while the leader of the largest opposition party in Viktor Orbán's Hungary is not allowed to speak on "public" television for a single minute, thus disregarding 1,352 .000 Hungarian people's political will

- he wrote, and then thanked the Prime Minister for his comment on slim fit clothing. According to them, sporty, normally dressed people can also be patriotic, "but not those who unabashedly steal Hungarian taxpayers' money and give it to their family and friends. Body type here or there”.


Featured image: In the image published by the Prime Minister's Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gives a lecture at the 33rd Bálványosi Summer Free University and Student Camp in Tusnádfürdő in Transylvania on July 27, 2024. Next to him is Zsolt Németh, the Fidesz chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament (b) and László Tőkés, the chairman of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council (EMNT) (cover). MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Zoltán Fischer