There is only one danger: that what we saw on Friday is not only a one-time phenomenon, but the program of the current liberal Western world, wrote the Prime Minister's political director in his post.

"Imre Madách's London and phalanster have moved to Paris," wrote Balázs Orbán regarding the opening of the five-ring games last Friday, which shocked many.

The prime minister's political director, who voiced his displeasure on his social media page, said that one of the most famous Hungarian dramas, The Tragedy of Man, is being entertained with scandalous shows in London.

"Lucifer, in his sarcastic way, even praises the show to Ádám, who is dumbfounded after seeing the performance: "The stirring of this bacchanal fire, / Which brings a rose-harm to every face, / Like a wild image above misery, / Isn't this glorious?" Of course, Ádám does not consider what he saw to be glorious.

A scene later, in the phalanster, Ádám mourns the concept of homeland. In the phalanster of the tragedy of man, nations are liquidated with reference to progress, and in London, decadence actually flourishes because of the idea of ​​ageism.

"In real life, nowadays, Imre Madách's London and phalanster have moved to Paris. The opening of the Paris Olympics was not only a horrible decadence, but also a program for the liquidation of nations.

Two in one. It's beautiful," said Balázs Orbán, adding that the opening of the Olympic Games is traditionally the genre in which all nations can show themselves to the world: who they are, what they think, what their values ​​are, and what they give to the greater whole.

"Obviously, it cannot be said that the entire French nation agrees with what has been seen. But it can be said that this is what the French liberal elite thinks about their own nation.

Most of all, that it no longer exists. Of course, every nation has the right to think what it wants about itself, its own future, its place in the world. Moreover, he also has the right to share this with a wide audience," emphasized the politician.

At the same time, Balázs Orbán emphasized that there is only one danger: that what we saw on Friday is not only a one-time phenomenon, but the program of the current liberal Western world.

"They want us, Hungarians, to live this way too, or for everyone, as people of new ideas, to live this way. If you doubt this, take a look at what the European Union and its partners are putting pressure on Hungary for, mainly due to the child protection law and anti-migration measures.

Not without reason. Looking at it from this point of view, it is understandable why many people in Hungary are demanding that the opening ceremony include an 18 hoop. But the vast majority of Hungarians stand on the ground of common sense even without a legal warning. For us, being Hungarian, belonging to the nation is the program, the program of our common growth - not the kitsch we saw on TV."

That is precisely why he turns away from the Parisian phalanster and this pervasive liberal decadence. This also proves that there is still a nation alive in this country - stated Balázs Orbán.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image: He turns away from the Parisian phalanster and this pervasive liberal decadence, message Balázs Orbán
Source: Screenshot