Romanian political scientist and publicist also claims that Viktor Orbán is working on the territorial reconstruction of Great Hungary, and if Donald Trump wins the US presidential election, his dream may come true.

Viktor Orbán's speech in Tusnádfürdő is further proof that the Hungarian Prime Minister wants everything that happened after 1919 to be reviewed. It is not a territorial reconstruction of Great Hungary, at least not in the first phase, but an economic and cultural reconstruction, which creates a basis for this, Romanian political scientist Cristian Parvulescu believes based on the article of Adevarul.

The European Union does not allow him to do this, so he is trying to contribute to the destruction of the EU in cooperation with Vladimir Putin - claims the political scientist, who says that it is a mistake that they "allowed" Viktor Orbán to become the successive president of the Union.

Meanwhile, the opinion article written for Adevarul is also written by Stefan Vlaston, who is passionate

XX. called Viktor Orbán's speech in Transylvania, who, according to him, hopes that Hungary can get Transcarpathia back,

and if Donald Trump comes to power in the United States, this dream may come true.

The Hungarian government has stated countless times that it respects the territorial integrity of its neighbors, and the Romanian Prime Minister responded to the criticism by stating that he will not forbid Viktor Orbán to visit Romania.

Cover photo: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (k), next to him is Zsolt Németh, Fidesz chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly (b) and László Tõkés, chairman of the Transylvanian Hungarian National Council (EMNT) (j).
MTI/Nándor Veres