Something is swimming down, but there is no air conditioning here. Written by György Tóth Jr.

If you like debates, it would be a good idea to tune in to the Hír TV channel on weekday afternoons, because in the Komment program you can witness many meaningful clashes of opinion conducted in a human voice. Although from time to time there is also a guest who raises the blood pressure of a thinking person.

One of the participants in Tuesday's debate was a member of the parliament of the micro-party MSZP, which is not known by law. Well, from him, or more precisely from what he said, the less tolerant viewers must have climbed the wall.

The man behaved exactly like Móricka from the joke, who remembers the same thing about everything. Let the topic be the state of French society, the Olympics or Gergely Karácsony's turning point, the main thing is the lack of air conditioning.

In addition to several topics, the participants of the discussion also exchanged ideas on what kind of miracle happened to Karigeri, who, speaking with the president of the IOC, declared that the capital already has the sports facilities necessary to host an Olympics. He wrote this on his Facebook page (if he wrote it): "I met Thomas Bachhal, president of the International Olympic Committee, on the occasion of the opening of the Paris Olympics. We agreed that Budapest already has almost all the sports facilities needed to host a summer Olympics."

He did not add that this is so despite the fact that he fought tooth and nail against the construction of any such facility. Well, this is what they call pure cheekiness.

True, we could get used to this in the case of the grinning preschooler. He despises everything connected to the government, but only as long as he can hope to gain popularity from it. Phúj, Puskás stadium, phúj Városliget project, abcug wet veebe, down with the athletics world championship! Then he gropes there in Puskás, because the football team's chariot runs well, there he sprawls in the stands of the athletics stadium, because it's trendy.

MSZP's Móricka lived this ambiguous figure in the debate.

Because according to him, the capital is more livable and better than in Tarlós's time (which is clearly and daily experienced not true), the only problem is that the government is bleeding Budapest.

It's a topos that has lied to the point of boredom, while the numbers show the exact opposite. The capital has much more money than it did during the previous city administration, but it's just being scattered faster, squandered, and stuffed into the pockets of friends.

What is this guy talking about?

No matter how hard I rack my brain, I can't find a single investment that is due to the liberal Bolshevik city government. We could only mention the Chain Bridge, if it had not been completed 5 billion more expensively and with less technical content than it would have been based on the plan and contractor agreement created in the time of István Tarlós, and if the completed (?) bridge had not been stolen from Budapest commuters, and if it had not been accompanied would have made the investment more corruption-suspected transactions. Is that what's better?

As for more livable, what does this mean in the representative's reading? Maybe the city is more livable because weed fields have been called bee pastures? How did they dismantle 3,000 garbage collection containers so that the waste would flood the city? Or from the fact that some parts of the city have become an oasis of violent drug addicts and drunken homeless people? Or from the fact that in many places they narrowed the public road with imaginatively painted bicycle lanes and made traffic difficult even for the ambulances with stakes?

Budapest is more livable because the big-headed hedgehog announced a non-existent climate emergency, and then with a series of dilettantish decisions - as well as the tragic ideas of his scheming colleagues - did he really manage to worsen the quality of the capital's air? Just because some of the mayors of the Libsi district of the Christmas gang shaped the traffic order until the person who created it gets lost in the chaos? Does this make Budapest more livable?

But it should be more livable, better, says the Komcsi, since Karácsony was re-elected.

Yes, but the IQ-poor part of the capital city would have elected a one-eyed cat if it was against the government.

What can we do, our Budapest is not free from nihilistic liberal idealism, the tendencies typical of world cities prevail here as well. The majority are one-bit thinkers, preferring to close their eyes and plug their ears so that reality does not disturb their cosmopolitan stupidity. This is. You don't have to love, but what can we do?

By the way, the same people who elected this unfortunate figure stood behind Pyotr Vengersky (alias Péter Magyar Lenin imitation, Béla Kun clone).

Brain dead followers are just as uninterested in reality as they are in the case of Christmas. If you were interested, they should have noticed a long time ago that their idol is a Guinness record holder, since until now he has never managed to utter a single true word from his dirty, inciting mouth.

But back to the MSZP genius. Even though the Paris Olympics was the current topic, as a hard-nosed Komcchi, he was able to switch from everything to slandering the Hungarian government with a single leap, and moreover with statements that can hardly be called anything other than lies.

Not a mistake, not a lack of information, since a representative must know that what he formulates as a statement simply does not stand the test of reality. And if he knows, but says something else, that is, he intentionally distorts the truth, that is surely a lie. Even if it serves states that have already been surpassed as they still exist.

Of course, our liar is also a dark demagogue. He refers to the fact that while hospitals are not functioning because there is no air conditioning, there are people making millions.

Proletarians of the world! These are damned, people-skinning bourgeois! Why did we want capitalism, where there is not a level playing field? Yes, but still damn exploitative bourgeois!

He mentions the inflation that devalues ​​wages, but not the fact that the government suppressed inflation and since then - thanks to the rapidly increasing wages - we have regained the lost value, and even more. He claims that wages have grown the least in our country, but according to Eurostadt's data, our country ranks first in terms of real wage growth.

In other words, everything the representative claims is true, just not a word of it.

As for Gergely Karácsony's sudden change of direction in the Olympic matter, there is nothing to see here. After all, the facilities are really ready - despite the mayor's efforts - but a country like that cannot host the Olympics - hold on tight! – where hospitals do not have air conditioning. Not in one hospital, not in a few, the representative elegantly generalizes, in hospitals.

Why, in the past 5 years of the excellently working, since re-elected, mayor, there was air conditioning on subway number 3? Because Geri did a great job, only the government really hindered him.

Who forbade Karácsony to start air conditioning the subway immediately, in 2019, as promised? At that time, they had not yet cut a vein in the capital, there was a reserve of more than 200 billion inherited from the Tarlós era, and it would have run with plenty of it.

Yes, it's true, to this day we don't know where that little pocket money is. Maybe one of Karácsony's sameszas bet on the red pair in the casino and floated away? Or as Hofi talked about the carded tsz property: 40-100 for the sheep! There was ts, there is no ts. Of course, it is possible that they gambled away the fortune not on ulti, but on poker, at least they keep silent about the fate of the money with a poker face.

There was a small amount, about 500 million, which was collected in small but invisible boxes. A miracle could also have happened with that money, because the boxes also contained Hungarian rhesus forints, micro-donations from the capital's pensioners, and then hocus-pocus, the Hungarian money was unexpectedly transformed into neatly bundled, fresh pounds and euros. It must have been a miraculous Christmas - we know that miracles happen at Christmas - and lo and behold, this happened.

In Karácsony's post, he adds that although the sports facilities are ready to host the Olympics, the infrastructure, public transport, the condition of the roads and the greening of the capital must also be improved.

In other words, to do everything that Geri and his band haven't done in 5 years.

Instead, he reduces the number of BKV flights (which, of course, he denies without batting an eye), and pays an 11 million bonus to the head of BKK, who successfully fought for his company to pay a 200 million fine related to an irregular bus tender. Indeed, this still needs to be developed, that's for sure.

Roads need to be repaired. But does the chaotic painting of ságra stripes count as road improvement? An artistic achievement for sure, and even a message to the aliens from the world lord. From up there, it's easy to see that what we see as chaos down here is actually similar to the famous Nazca lines: Welcome, UFOs!

Greening? Yes. But not. If the government greens the Városliget, it is ugly greening, if the concrete jungle of Blaha Lujza tér is called greening, it is a cool thing. After all, the jungle is green, even if it consists of concrete and cobblestones. On the other hand, it somehow didn't work out to plant a sapling for every newborn in Budapest. The summer was hot, the spring was rainy, it didn't work out. It's cold in winter, and nobody plants trees in autumn.

However, all this is irrelevant, offspring. The important thing is that, according to the representative, this is better, the city is more livable. In weeds and dirt, but still.

Oh, and air conditioning in every hospital! Because it has to be, without it there is no Olympics. Would not be? After all, there isn't even an Olympic paper village in Paris, which is why the athletes run away from there! It's okay, cool off in the Seine. And if they are competitors, it will make them go even faster if they see someone swimming towards them. They can even achieve a world record if they escape from it.

The developed West is in...the Seine, but according to our MSZP demagogue, it is better there.

Well then, dear representative, let's go to the Sejna! Somehow we will organize an Olympics without faeces and against Karigeri.

We'll wait.

György Tóth Jr

Cover photo: Gergely Karácsony
Source: Mediaworks