Be careful with Nazism, because you are throwing out the human child with the bathwater.

A storm broke out in the toilet after the Doctor Prime Minister's concert in Tusványos. The Komcs are talking nazis with frothing mouth, for now the difference between them and the justification of the Russian aggression that nazis Ukraine is that the Hungarian left is not shooting yet. He could even shoot, as the chief Nazi Gyurcsány proved in 2006. The authors use beautiful quotes to support their propositions that there is only one human race, regardless of skin color, religion, sexual orientation or Internet habits. It's a noble idea that should be supported, but there's a bit of a logical flaw in it.

Since Aristotle, the conceptual approach is basically based on two logical classes: the concept of race and gender. The law also applies this. The concept of gender is the more general one, the groups of beings denoted by the subspecies concepts are demarcated from each other on the basis of "distinguishing features" (differentia specifica).

So the question is, is the concept of man a racial concept or a gender concept?

If we look at it as a species concept, then we have to look for a higher gender concept (primate, living being, being), we have to define the distinguishing features (thinking, laughter, etc.). And this is where the worldview position comes in. If we say that the concept of 'man' is a species concept, we are actually saying that man is one of the groups of primates, living beings, and beings. A respectable position, as part of the universe we are one among many. However, according to Christian teaching, man is created in God's image, he is the good shepherd of Creation. As the philosophers would say, a privileged being. As such, it has responsibilities.

Man is responsible for the earthly world, he is the shepherd of existence. And like so many other things, this interpretation was adopted by Western secular civilization. Based on this, the concept of 'man' is usually interpreted as a non-concept. This is how the following passage was included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "2. Article Everyone, without regard to any distinction, namely RACE, colour, sex, language, religion, political or any other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or any other circumstance, can claim all the rights and freedoms declared in this Declaration." In the declaration of human rights, therefore, the prohibition of discrimination is declared for human species interpreted within the human race, whoops. So be careful with Nazism, because you throw out the human child with the bathwater.

The Doctor Prime Minister is right, as always.

Demeter Szilárd / Mandiner

Featured image: European Parliament