A public avalanche was triggered by a plan made public on Sunday, according to which the Hungarian Boxing Federation would award a special premium to Luca Hámori, who was pushed to fifth place by the Algiers biology man, Imane Khelif, at the Paris Olympics.

In practice, all this means a state reward of HUF 31,350,000 instead of HUF 15,730,000 for fifth place.

The plan first blew the fuse with the 63.5-kilogram Richárd Kovács, who also finished in fifth place but suffered a defeat from a boxer whose gender identity was not disputed. The wrestler from Nyíregyháza entered the fight with an outraged Facebook post, in which he complained that he did not receive the 31.35 million forints due to the bronze medalists, even though he achieved the same position as the lady from Kőszeg.

Later, several people spoke on the matter, like this

Zsolt Gyulay, the president of the MOB, Csaba Cserényi, the head coach of the Fight Club Vásárhely Sports Association, and Hungarian IOC member Balázs Fürjes.

What do you think?


All fifth-placed athletes are entitled to the bronze medal just as they plan to pay Luca Hámori as a gesture?

  • No (88%, 151 Votes)
  • Yes (12%, 20 Votes)

All voters: 171

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