What is the reason for this?

In order to prepare an effective election campaign strategy, FIDESZ-KDNP communication specialists should think about the following.

Why didn't the unprecedented amount of money implemented before the 2022 elections and promised afterwards (13th monthly pension, tax exemption for those under 25, refund of SZJA for families), which affected about half of those eligible to vote, bring a breakthrough in the support of the governing parties?

The voters took money in the order of millions, and then voted for the opposition that did not vote for the "money rain" in the parliament. Or they didn't go to vote. Why did the people of Budapest replace one of the best mayors of the last hundred years, dr. To István Tarlós, to Gergely Karácsony, who is forever smiling, helpless and tolerates corruption?

His position was not weakened by his war against Budapest's motorists, nor by the corruption scandal of the sale of the Budapest City Hall, nor by the Chain Bridge scandal, nor by the fall of the city. Despite the fact that the commission system operated in the socialist Kispest, and it was found out, why were the corrupt representatives re-elected in 2022? Why is it possible to cut trees on the backs of the people of Budapest?

Finally, the question must also be asked, why are the majority of the winners of the system change, those who move to the agglomeration, opposition? Because the opposition openly promotes the introduction of the progressive SZJA, the increase of the corporate tax, and the reduction of the family support system. And this program affects this layer to the core. Should the communication specialists of FIDESZ-KDNP deeply examine why the masses continuously vote against their own interests?

I think the reason can be found in government communication and the politicizing style of our globalist opposition.

Because the government's performance either does not reach millions of people, or it is neutralized very effectively by the opposition...

The miracle weapon of our globalist opposition is the incitement of hatred, and the main means of this is to arouse envy with accusations of systemic corruption. Hate is the most harmful social force, because it blinds reason, and that is why masses constantly vote against their own interest!

Pál Bartha