The recognition greatly contributes to the fact that elderly residents can become respected and valuable members of their community and society even in their changed life situation after years of work.

You can apply for the Age-Friendly Self-Government Award for three more weeks, the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM) announced on Friday.

Respecting, supporting and valuing the elderly is a priority goal of the right-wing government, and it can count on municipalities as well as communities in this regard.

At the local level, municipalities are able to do the most for their own elderly. In recognition of this selfless work, the Age-Friendly Self-Government Award was created, for which settlements can apply for three more weeks this year, reads the KIM announcement.

The recognition can be awarded to cities and towns that, beyond their mandatory duties, actively work to improve the well-being and well-being of the elderly living in the area.

An important goal of the Hungarian government is to support the elderly, who have created the future for the younger generations with a lifetime's work, also through family policy. To this end, the family support system was developed in such a way that it covers the entire life journey and also contributes to making life easier for the elderly, the communique highlights.

According to the announcement, 158 municipalities have received the Age-Friendly Self-Government Award so far. The recognition greatly contributes to the fact that elderly residents can become respected and valuable members of their community and society even in their changed life situation after years of work.

The call for tenders for 2024 pays special attention to the additional tasks and initiatives with which the local governments support and help the understanding of the elderly who require special attention due to dementia, the expansion of knowledge related to the dementia syndrome, the preservation of physical, mental and spiritual health, as well as intergenerational strengthening relationships.

Winning the Age-Friendly Local Government Award also comes with a HUF 1.5 million cash reward, which the winning local governments will receive this year. Localities can apply for recognition until August 30, 2024.

More information about the application option, as well as all the documents required for the application, are available here .

Cover image source: Pixabay