We have a wonderful party thing, the name of which is already amnesiac. They mock it as a Democratic Coalition, but they have forgotten what democracy is and what a coalition is. They can't handle either: they are neither democratic nor form a coalition.

This forgetfulness worthy of the treatment of psychiatrists seems to be mandatory in their ranks. Gyurcsány, for example, forgot that in his Ószöd speech he exposed his own and his government's lies, admitting that they lied morning, night and night, that they cheated, that they brought back the government with hundreds of tricks... from where? From the depths of the budi. But he later remembered this "secret" confession as telling the truth.

Amnesiac b. his wife too.

Mrs. Gyurcsány remembered October 23, 2006, the terrorist police attack, by saying that more policemen without identification marks were injured during the official frenzy than ordinary citizens. For him, fifty or more injured citizens make up a policeman. He also forgot first grade math.

Or there is common law criminal László Varju, who, despite being convicted by the court, somehow forgot to resign his parliamentary mandate. It's true, to this day I don't understand why he wasn't stripped of it, if he didn't have enough honor to do it himself.

Unfortunately, the forgetfulness seems to be contagious, the momentary FeGyőr also caught it, the same representative who remained as a convict, like Varju.

Now another amnesiac came forward, his name is Ferenc Dávid, unsurprisingly also a member of the DK. He suffered a statement from himself on behalf of his party, as a shining proof of the sick degree of forgetfulness.

What does it say when it is called?

In addition to the usual lies - Orbán's inflation, budget crisis, credit crisis, austerity allegedly planned for September, hadova and tohuva boohu - he claims that "we social democrats will not let this happen, because we have always been on the side of Hungarian workers and pensioners, and always have been we will be there.”

We could also say what Satan's helper, Korovov, said to Bengalsky's conference in Bulgakov's brilliant novel The Master and Margarita: Congratulations, fellow citizen, on a well-executed lie! Only the lie didn't go nearly as well.

Dear Comrade Dávid, have you forgotten the years of the reign of your beloved party leader? You, social democrats - because they were supposedly the ones at the time - no matter how many times you raised prices, reduced discounts, withdrew subsidies, what utility fees we got on our necks just because you sold public utilities to foreign companies hungry for profit, how many times there was no increase in gas, while you lied about it, that it won't happen, what kind of people-skinning personal income tax system do you operate, how did you reduce the 13th monthly pension? You don't even remember, my little friend, what the visiting fee and hospital daily fee are and how they were born out of nowhere, do you?

Did you also forget, little one, that your shadow prime minister, hand in hand with the other traitorous liberal Bolsheviks, obstructed the payment of EU funds to our country wherever he could? Well done if it was for our benefit, but somehow we don't feel that way. I wonder why?

Does this mean that you are on the side of workers and pensioners? Thanks, but those who have friends like that really don't need enemies.

After that, I have a suggestion for you to forget as true amnesiacs.


Featured image: MTI/Róbert Hegedüs