The Hungarian Village program will continue.

The goal of the developments of the Hungarian village program is to increase the standard of living and the population in the villages as a result of the investments; In Magyarkeresztúr in Győr-Moson-Sopron county, about 184 million forints worth of development has been realized since the start of the program, said the government commissioner responsible for the development of modern settlements at the Prime Minister's Office on Saturday at the settlement's village day.

Alpár Gyopáros, who is also the region's Fidesz member of parliament, emphasized that one of the main goals of the Hungarian village program was to stop the decrease in the population in Hungarian villages.

"There are many small settlements in Hungary whose population has decreased at such a rate in the last decades or half a century that there was a risk that many villages would become depopulated in the foreseeable future"

he said.

He added: Magyarkeresztúr had slightly more than half a thousand inhabitants, which has decreased to around four hundred in the last two decades, that is, it has lost about 25 percent of its population. However, since the beginning of the Hungarian village program, the population is approaching five hundred again, which shows that this work makes sense.

Alpár Gyopáros spoke about the recent evaluation of the program. "It confirmed our belief that what we do makes sense," he said, so the program will continue.

The development program is also good in its form, because it is not "an official in an office in Budapest who figures out what the small settlements need, but we intensively travel the country, meet the locals and ask them what they need" in order to help the local population be encouraged to stay.

He emphasized: none of the tender goals were requested by the villages. They continue the village tour because they want to constantly reflect on the new challenges of life.

Alpár Gyopáros said that 34.3 million forints were spent on kindergarten development in Magyarkeresztúr in several stages, the community space was developed in three stages with almost 80 million forints, a village bus was acquired for 14.5 million forints, the convenience store, the cemetery infrastructure were also developed and the local civil society was supported the work of organizations.