Our public life all over the world is full of lies and hunger for power, and there should be people on their feet who safely navigate the world's sea of ​​lies. Written by Katalin Kondor.

Is there anything new under the sun?

Of course it is. The saying that: "There is nothing new under the sun" is already old, and certainly outdated, because life often refutes it. Because our lightning-quickly changing world always produces something new, mostly, unfortunately, scandalous, and sometimes almost world-sensational novelties, proving that, yes, there is something new under the sun.

I was just thinking about which fresh and surprising technical innovation to introduce, since there are plenty of them now,

it would be enough if we only reported on the technical interesting aspects of landing on the moon, or I would describe the possibilities of changing the weather through science, since in fact almost every day there is a small technical miracle discovered by some scientific mind in connection with the two areas mentioned above.

Many people have already written articles about the fact that our world has been pouring out more and more wonderful technical innovations for a long time, it has become "brain-technized", so to speak, but this is not necessarily welcome. Not just because with the help of technology and science it is possible to intervene in every minute of our lives without any problems.

For example, wiretapping phones, "stepping into" computers, observing who and where they are going at any given moment of the day, and so on. In this regard, we can certainly say that there is something new under the sun, because, let's say, ten years ago we could not have imagined that we would soon be living under "world control". This is the new thing, since this time has already come, and we are almost used to it, because we live with it.

At the same time, it does not hurt to know, if only because honest scientists enlightened us a long time ago that although technology and science have achieved enormous results in the last century and are still achieving them now,

it is a fact that humanity uses only a very small percentage of the results of science around this time to make the world better.

Most of it is spent on the development of more and more destructive weapons.

This is supposed to be a certainty, and it is not an assumption at all, not least because the data on this is public in most countries. And the smart ones even know that this has been the case everywhere since the beginning of the world. Well, at least we are united in this, we could say sadly, and we could add that it is indeed difficult to decide whether there is something new under the sun or not.

However, there is one area of ​​our lives that we can safely say is lagging behind.

Above, I tried to prove that science is really capable of miracles, and in the last century it has proven this without a doubt. He changes hearts, transplants kidneys, changes the weather, prepares to visit Mars, and so on.

And it is now our daily experience that the time has come when almost every way of controlling people has been invented and mechanized, except for the most necessary, and this is nothing more than a tool that automatically makes lying impossible. Or if they have it, they don't dare to use it. So this is still missing - not a little, but a lot.

Because our public life all over the world is full of lies and hunger for power, and there should be people on their feet who safely navigate the world's sea of ​​lies.

Because the ideology that proclaims people's freedom is also based on a lie, just as the many stupid words about war and democracy by a world power that constantly refers to democracy, but does not want to implement it even for a minute, are also lies.

In this regard, the device that does not want to be born and makes lying automatically impossible is sorely lacking, because if it were, then we could truly say that there is something new under the sun.

From afar, it may even seem as if we live in an exemplary democracy here in the so-called developed world, except that a certain horse's foot sticks out from time to time. He hung out the other day too.

Because something happened that the champions of unrestricted democracy and freedom didn't say a word about without batting an eye. More precisely, they did not praise me for a true word.

Obviously, many people know that in the name of peace, tolerance and, of course, democracy, some members of CitizenGO were arrested in Paris and detained for half a day, because they protested the anti-Christian acts that happened at the Olympics with a bus with signs, which obviously happened in the name of democracy.

All the protesters wanted was to stop the attacks on Christians in Paris. The case was reported by the press, it is possible to collect authentic information, but the point is that we still need a device that automatically makes lying impossible.

But because it hasn't been completed yet, because they don't want to prepare it, that's why lies have become commonplace in world politics. You don't even need the Olympics or Paris. The real masters of the world take care of this without a doubt.

Hungarian Newspaper