The forces that govern the world have decided that Trump will be the president. Written by László Bogár.

In the history of American presidential elections reminiscent of boring soap operas, where you could always "choose" that and/or the same thing, something unprecedented is happening now, so the "non-existent" world director boosted the material a bit. To what extent, dramatic events have taken place in just a few weeks that can change the entire dynamics of the world power system. And it is quite possible that this will continue to be the case until the presidential election in November.

"Something" can happen every day, the explanation of which will not be easy to fit into our previous interpretation framework.

The most spectacular event in recent times was the assassination of Trump, about which only one thing is certain, the complete uncertainty of what actually happened. Who and for what reason, for what purpose, committed what we don't even know what actually was, will remain an eternal secret, and we can only hope that certain patterns will emerge from the consequences, which will help us understand the instructions of the "world director".

The fact that President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential candidacy was no longer so unexpected, since the coordinated series of actions that began with the New York Times editorial, in which the "non-existent" world forces quite firmly called on the president to withdraw, essentially already weeks ago " replaced" him.

Of course, in order to make the big world drama believable, it was necessary to pretend for a while that the president was hesitating and that he would decide whether to step back following the call, and there is not a more childish idea than that, because the current American president is already a puppet, Joe Biden and even within the existence of this puppet figure, he became a human wreck, unsuitable for anything (not even suitable for playing the role of a puppet figure). Although the fact that it was a human wreck has been evident to everyone for years, the only question about it is why it had to be done at the last minute.

It is becoming more and more obvious that every new dramaturgical instruction of the "director-in-chief" worsens the chances of the Democratic candidate, which helps Donald Trump.

This was shown in the two extraordinary visual technical acts that we were able to experience during the visit of the Israeli Prime Minister. In protest, the vice-presidential candidate did not appear at the joint meeting of the two houses, where they stood up to greet Netanyahu, but Donald Trump, the not-yet-elected president, gave him a very friendly welcome at his residence in Florida, in return for

the non-existent one essentially installed the former president.

Since these whirlwinds are driving America and the whole world towards an ever more confusing chaos, now on three potential world war fronts, Ukraine, the Middle East and the South China Sea, I would no longer bore the dear reader with the possible stage technical events, but rather I would make an attempt to re-summarize the main lessons of this created chaos in the light of what has happened so far.

It seems more and more likely that humanity is facing a turning point of world-historical significance, which is quite a drama in itself, but what makes this "play" really dramatic is that it is directed by an unknown director, guided by unknown reasons and unknown goals.

So, let's not embellish it, someone "else" decides about us, instead of us, but just as the American constitution begins "We, the people...", but we, the people, for now only from the actions of this "someone" so far we can rely on the study of emerging patterns.

The historical turning point facing humanity can be explained by the confluence of three cycle ends.

In a decade or two, the century of the American world empire will end, but with it the last six hundred years of global domination of the modern West will also end, and "something" will also end. It is still very difficult to name this something today in a politically correct way, so it is probably the end of "something" that has held the entire human existence captive for three thousand years, whose mediums, or in some cases simple "slaughter animals", are us humans, more precisely "we, the people ", we who can only exercise "self-control" by experiencing that our alleged people's power is exercised by "someone else".

And there are more and more signs that the spiritual energy center that controls it all is now at a crossroads.

It has to decide what will happen to the forces that have organized its existence for the past three thousand years, what will happen after the modern West, which has been based on this until now and has directly controlled the world, and in comparison, what will happen after the collapse of the American world empire is only a "trifle". in place of "crater". And while it is true that compared to these dimensions, the question of who will be the next president of the United States seems insignificant, but for the time being we cannot see deeper than this playback technology surface, so we should read the future from the chaotic eddies that appear in it.

Donald Trump's personality energy is what makes him the most suitable for his presidency to be the "opening" of these extraordinarily adventurous times.

If there is an "inverse" of his impulsive-intuitive personality, then the only vice president operated as a starter is just that. The ultimate limits of his intellectual horizons are fixed at the level of an average American district attorney, and this will not be changed by such a fast-paced "presidential training" as the forces operating him are trying to do now. His nomination also seems to confirm that the forces governing the world have decided that Trump will be the president.

Hungarian Newspaper

Cover image: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump
Source: MTI/EPA/CNN Photos/Will Lanzoni