The investigation is being carried out with great strength, it seems that some city leaders may have been thoroughly anointed for the sake of "smoothness".

The investigation into the case of the invoice factory in the capital continues to be carried out with great strength. The key figure in the scandal, ex-lawyer Vig Mór, is currently in prison, his arrest was recently extended by the court, so he will definitely remain behind bars until the end of the summer. The authority also initiated proceedings for tax evasion, misappropriation and bribery,

and the threads reach the City Hall led by Gergely Karácsony.

The Hungarian Nation has learned that the investigation into the case of the invoice factory in the capital that reaches the City Hall is still ongoing on several lines, with suspicion of embezzlement, embezzlement and bribery. This is the scandal associated with the overpriced Chain Bridge renovation. The threads of the complicated case go back to the fall of 2019, when the left-liberal coalition took power in Budapest by electing Gergely Karácsony as mayor.

After the change, the Karácsonys scrutinized the tender signed by István Tarlós for the renovation of the Chain Bridge on favorable terms, and a new public procurement procedure was announced.

The winner of the tender was A-Híd Zrt., which also ran under the previous city administration, but oddly enough, they won with a bid five billion forints more expensive than what they would have paid for the work in the Tarlós era.

This includes the fact that the advance due to the contractor was raised almost sixty times, to HUF 4.2 billion, compared to the tender during Tarlós's time, while the penalty imposed on the company was halved.

Even at that time, several people objected to the brutal increase in prices, but the Karácsonys did not give a substantial explanation.

Of course, there could have been insiders who knew the actual reason for the price increase. Among them is an old confidant of Gordon Bajnai, who, according to an audio recording obtained by Magyar Nemzet, told an acquaintance that the renovation of the Chain Bridge cost five billion forints more during the Christmas period because money from it was distributed back to important left-wing potentates.

The businessman put it specifically: "They are busy with Lánchíd and Blaha Lujza tér, and with looting and distribution around them, etc., etc." Shocked, the interlocutor asked back, "can you get money out of this?" Gordon Bajnai's old "comrade" in the recording, referring to the Chain Bridge, specifically said: "Well, it has become more expensive by five billion, and its content is smaller."

In other words, the businessman was clearly referring to the fact that the left-wing city administration could pump money out of the project.

This conversation took place in the summer of 2021, when the Lánchíd funds were already flowing to the company of a mysterious lawyer, Mór Vig, who has since been banned from his practice. It also came to light about the man that he is none other than the brother of Dávid Vig, the director of Amnesty International Hungary. Mór Vig is still in prison, the court recently extended his detention until the end of August.

Mór Vig became known to the wider public after the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) detained him last November on suspicion of business-like budget fraud, after falling into a multi-hundred million invoice scam.

NAV investigators went to a total of 33 locations in the case - using two drug and money detection dogs - and seized documents, electronic data, fake government office stamps and a lot of cash. As part of the procedure, a house search was conducted, among other things, at a certain lawyer named Dániel Hegedüs, as well as at A-Híd Zrt., which is renovating the Chain Bridge.

It later became clear why the latest official measures were necessary: ​​months ago, disclosed that between November 2020 and July 2022, A-Híd transferred HUF 1.4 billion to Vig's company, Sunstrike Hungary Kft. HUF 900 million of this amount was transferred to Mór Vig's private account and his lawyer's escrow account.

According to the suspicion, the transfers to the accounts linked to Vig Mór typically took place on the same days as the days on which the funds from A-Híd Zrt. arrived at Sunstrike Kft., and the amounts were withdrawn in cash from the accounts within a short time.

However, Mór Vig was banned from practicing as a lawyer in January 2022, so the strategy had to be changed. Dániel Hegedüs was then involved in the transactions, who transferred the remaining amount to Sunstrike Hungary Kft. to his own lawyer's escrow account, and then withdrew approximately five hundred million forints in cash from there.

The case later took a turn: an unknown person sent a letter to the former government commissioner for accountability, Gyula Budai. The letter stated that Mór Vig went to the office of the security company located at the Mammut shopping center to "account" for the sums pumped out of the Lánchíd investment and then withdrawn in the form of cash. According to the letter writer, the "settlement" took place between the head of the company and the lawyer.

It follows from all this that the one and a half billion forints transferred by A-Híd Zrt. to the ex-lawyer could have changed hands here. According to Budai, the security company is also in contact with A-Híd Zrt., which is carrying out the renovation. But what makes the whole story even more suspicious is that the letter writer knows that significant amounts of the bridge money went to the left wing in the capital.

Based on the information we learned, it was not difficult to determine that the security company at 7–9 Lövőház utca. Árgus-Security Vagyonvédelmi Kft. One of the owners of the security company is Endre Zoltán Apáthy, and his father is none other than Endre Apáthy, whose family interests include A-Híd Zrt.

That is, if the letter writer's claims are true, the money "saved" from the Chain Bridge investment could have returned to the ownership of A-Híd, which carried out it, from which the sums ended up in the Budapest City Hall, according to the letter writer.

The former government commissioner for accountability filed a report after all this, and the National Investigation Agency (NNI) ordered an investigation on suspicion of official bribery. The police finally handed the case over to the National Investigation Agency (NAV), which has been investigating the invoice factory case since last year on suspicion of budget fraud and misappropriation, whose staff also detained Mór Vig last November.

Hungarian Nation

Cover image: The threads reach the City Hall led by Gergely Karácsony
Source: Facebook/Gergely Kárácsony