Gábor Reviczky was hospitalized again in recent weeks after several polyps and a nest of streptococcus were discovered in his body.

The actor, awarded as the Artist of the Nation, returned to filming A mi kis falunk despite the difficulties. It has now been revealed that another operation awaits him soon, reports szerelkekmagyarország.hu.

There was nothing wrong with me in the morning, and I woke up in the hospital in the afternoon. I felt endless fatigue, went into the house, went to bed, and from then on I don't remember anything"

- said to RTL Fókus , who only found out about what happened afterwards.

"They told me that an ambulance with a siren took me to the hospital. When I came to, I recognized my wife, but I didn't know her name. It took me a minute and a half to figure it out. I only remembered my daughter's nickname, but not my son's name at all"

added the actor.

Featured image: Gábor Reviczky, awarded this year with the title of Artist of the Nation, Kossuth and Jászai Mari prize-winning actor, regular member of the MMA, in Pesti Vigado on October 22, 2021. MTI/Csilla Csilla