A top secret report has come to light.

Two young Hungarian university students tied the knot 40 years ago and traveled to Cluj-Napoca for a wedding. This then led to them being dragged away from the campsite where they were staying, and for long hours they were tortured and interrogated individually by the Securitate, because they believed that the young people had made statements that violated the state order of the Socialist Republic of Romania. The Hungarian secret service also slammed the table on this, and established that this was indeed the activity of the Romanian secret service.

The Historical Archives of the State Security Services (ÁBTL) shared a top-secret document from 40 years ago on its Facebook page under the title Police terror against Hungarian tourists in Romania. On the Facebook page, in the form of a secret service report, they provide insight into how Hungarian tourists were observed, or rather harassed, by members of the secret service of the Romanian communist dictatorship, Securitaté.

The ÁBTL preserves and manages the documents of the former state security and supervises the document management of today's secret services. In the archive, anyone can access and learn what information the state security collected about him, his ancestors and family members before 1990.

It happened 40 years ago, on August 13, 1984, that two young university students, György K. and Tibor V., traveled to Transylvania to attend a wedding there. They stayed at the campsite in Tusnádfürdő - they thought they would spend a few days on a trip to Transylvania - and they were already over the lagin when suddenly

on August 2, at 6:00 p.m., a uniformed policeman from the Tusnádfürdő campsite took them both in a private car to the park of a two-story brown building, where a man about 50 years old, 185 centimeters tall, with a slim build, black hair, who spoke a little broken Hungarian, who conducted their subsequent interrogation received them

- says the report of the Budapest Police Headquarters' State Security Evaluation and Information Secretariat Sub-Department, which was written based on the report of one of the young people.

"You're going to eat your statement until it's right"

In the building, the boys were then taken to separate rooms, where a plainclothes and a shirtless uniformed policeman were present with a listening device. The university students were suspected of having "made statements that violated the state order of the Romanian Socialist Republic" at the Cluj-Napoca wedding.

K. György was interrogated for about 4 and a half hours, but he did not admit to the crime he was suspected of and did not sign anything. The "good cop" then informed him that if he admitted to being present at such a "political meeting" he would immediately let him go if he didn't

you stand here until you admit it, I'll lock you up until morning, and then we'll start again, I'll ban you from the country, it will become an embassy matter, you'll become a prisoner and you can't go to Hungary, I'll kick you out of the university; you will cry and beg to write a statement, as others have done; Hungarian police officers will be waiting at the border crossing and will take you home in handcuffs

- he threatened the university student, whom he pulled several times, according to the report.

After that, they presented the "V. Tibor already signed a declaration of recognition" to force him to testify, but this did not lead to results either. There was nothing else left, he threatened to beat the Hungarian boy and remarked:

I accompany you to Cluj with a rubber stick. If you don't like the statement, I'll tear it up and you'll eat it until it's right

says the report.

Hungarian tourists only visited Transylvania "because of the subversion of Romania"

He then read out a text in Romanian, which he repeated in Hungarian, and demanded that the material in Romanian be signed. However, the man also refused this and wrote the following in Hungarian: "I condemn the nationalist and chauvinist behavior against the Romanian Socialist Republic, I distance myself from them; I had very favorable experiences in Romania before this incident; neither Tibor V. nor I made any anti-Romanian statements during the wedding, nor did we hear such a conversation".

In his final helplessness, the police officer interrogating the young man made the following statement:

Like all Hungarian tourists, they came to Romania to turn the country upside down. It will be good if they go home to Hungary as soon as possible

- were his words, and then they took the young people back to the campsite.

K. György also revealed that his group mate was interrogated for about 40 minutes, but after he was shown K. György's "statement", he signed a text stating that he made some negative statements while intoxicated.

This is not the end of the nightmare. On the way home, the Securitate also sent two violent men to them on the train, who also tried to extort information from them about their "activities in Hungary" using harsh methods.

After György K. reported the case to the BRFK, the Hungarian state security finally established and explained to the III/II Group Chief of the Ministry of the Interior that this could be nothing more than "provocative harassment of citizens, which, of course, refers to secret service activity". .


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