Why are we idly watching the utter and final hijacking of Europe? Why do we put up with it? What are we waiting for? Written by Katalin Kondor.

In other words, what is going on in our world, primarily in Europe, would be better called the bouquets and wreaths of decay, or even more the flower garden of decay. I "stole" the title of my article, namely from a brilliant French poet, a certain Charles Baudelaire. Who used to have a book of poems published under this title, more than 157 years ago, with 100 poems.

It was an apt title at the time, and unfortunately still is today.

The poet already felt the wind of decay in those days, which was primarily visible in his private life, as he wrote a lot about self-blame, anxiety, and the feeling, I quote, "when decay crumples and grips your heart like paper".

The feeling of deterioration can arise due to deterioration in personal life and social life, the two often go together, and with quotes, we either give truth to the thoughts inherent in them, or we don't.

If they touch us, it doesn't matter whether the poets and writers write about love, individual destiny, or the politics of their time, it's easy to identify with them.

Baudelaire certainly spoke about the problems of his own life, primarily the problems of his love life, in his poems, but he also communicated thoughts that can be true for almost all areas of our lives. This was also the case when he wrote about decay and its flowers.

His poems tell about what he felt, what he thought about the deterioration. Already for those who can even read between the lines.

In any case, he was sued for "blasphemy" and "moral blasphemy" and was forced to mutilate his book of poems at the time, because the judges did not like his decadence.

Let's not think about decadence now, because then we would have to write about the decadence and decline of an entire world, which has been going on right here before our eyes, for quite some time now, indisputably. And I don't need to say, probably many of us think that "our hearts are crumpled and gripped by decay like paper". Because the deterioration is working more and more intensively in our lives, let the world's political elites, the leaders and those in charge of our present life, speak in any voice and paint any rosy picture regarding the future. Not only did decay come into our lives, along with its rotting flowers, but also the age of helplessness.

We are visibly and indisputably powerless for the time being in the face of the numerous and undeniably harmful phenomena of our days.

I don't have to list, do I?

We are forced to face the war being forced on us, the stupid orders of the union, the daily violation of moral rules, the provable facts of theft and disregard for other violations of the law, but there is no consequence, no moral consequence. Mostly not.

What does chance do, a chance that doesn't really exist, just today I received the little letter from my friends in Sweden, which, among other things, talks about the following stories, I quote from it:

“Gang crime shootings are now happening multiple times a day in the same region.

The Stockholm police are therefore asking the public to consider reality as the new normal with the bullets whizzing around them and to "live as usual" anyway.

Shots were fired at three locations in Stockholm the other day in settlements inhabited by criminal gangs, in each case with murderous intent. Governments of various "colours" have been promising us for years that they will take action against the gangs, but these promises have so far remained just words. Violent acts of immigration-related gangs are commonplace.

And the most outrageous thing is that they tell us: we have to learn to live with gang wars as a normal part of everyday life.

On state television, we were advised to "live as usual". And they also added that if we are even a little attentive, we don't have to change anything in our daily habits. It was recommended that the elderly should not wear jewelry outdoors to avoid being robbed. The same applies to wearing branded clothes, what's more, there was even the absurdity of women being advised to stay at home to avoid being raped."

Now, if all these phenomena are not the modern flowers of corruption, then what are they? Many of us ask. Sure, consequences!

They are now "self-evident" phenomena of a world corrupted to the core, dirty and lying.

And if I add the worst and everyday series of attacks that exist against us, the Hungarians, and want to impose huge punishments on us because we don't want to be Sweden/2, then only one question remains.

Why are we idly watching the utter and final hijacking of Europe? Why do we put up with it? What are we waiting for?

We, ordinary citizens, know why. For action and, of course, for answers to the above questions. For authentic and honest answers. We have not had this before.

However, deterioration no longer only has flowers, but huge, dangerous forests and downward-moving seas of dirty mud.

We should just notice that we are already in it, and unfortunately we are blindfolded and helplessly waiting for the sad future. Above, I wrote what many people know, Baudelaire was sued for blasphemy and moral blasphemy. Isn't this what is going on globally today? Who dares deny that?

Hungarian Newspaper