The court arrested the mayor of Óbuda, DK, suspected of official bribery. László Kiss is suspected of receiving bribes from the actors of the Óbuda corruption scandal.

Magyar Nemzet learned from the Central Investigative General Prosecutor's Office. The court also arrested two other companions of Kiss.

The mayor of Óbuda, DK, along with two of his colleagues, was detained on Wednesday by the Central Investigating Prosecutor General's Office (KNYF), which investigates suspected corruption crimes, two months after Deputy Mayor Gergő Czeglédy was put behind bars in the same case.

Commissions for bribes

KNYF also issued a statement on the matter yesterday. As it was written, according to the well-founded suspicion communicated to the mayor, after his election as mayor in October 2019, László Kiss agreed with an acquaintance that companies belonging to his interest would regularly receive orders from the municipality, in exchange for which he and other official and unofficial persons working at the municipality would receive money must be repaid. The announcement also states that in order to conceal the origin and purpose of the bribe money, the municipality concluded fictitious, overpriced contracts with several economic companies created for this purpose.

The prosecution pointed out that in reality, the services and product procurement written in the fake business contracts were not performed by the contracting companies, but by other companies for an amount lower than the price agreed in the contract. In some cases, the undertaken work was carried out by employees of the municipality.

Accepting an official bribe, in a criminal conspiracy

The chief prosecutor's office suspects the mayor of the crime of accepting an official bribe committed in a criminal conspiracy and as a business, as well as committing other crimes by abusing his privileged official position by a person in a senior position. The two other suspects in the case, who were also "raised" together with the mayor on Wednesday, are a III. a representative of the district municipality, as well as the managing director of one of the relevant economic companies. The court extended the arrest of the deputy mayor, who was previously interrogated as a suspect in the criminal proceedings, until October 20, 2024 at the request of the prosecutor's office, the prosecutor's office wrote. The criminal case has a total of sixteen suspects.

more about the details of the Óbuda corruption scandal in our previous article .

Source: Magyar Nemzet /

Cover image: Illustration / Photo: László Kiss Facebook