The defense lawyer of the mayor of Óbuda, Péter Zamecsnik, announced that one of the key figures in the corruption scandal in Óbuda, a former colleague of Kiss, made a plea deal in exchange for confessing to the mayor.

The leader of Óbuda, László Kiss, was placed in pretrial detention on Friday.

The lawyer Hír TV's Napi Aktuális program on Friday evening, where he said: his client claims that he has nothing to do with the corruption case, and considers it very absurd that he was suspected at all, because he does not even know some of the people involved in the case, never he didn't even meet them.

“He says he has nothing to do with these stories. It will be the task of the trial court to decide whether this is the case"

Péter Zamecsnik said. Not long after, he was also asked that, according to a Friday press report, one of the key figures in the scandal was recently released from arrest - not long before László Kiss was suspected by the authorities - what is the explanation for this? In response, Péter Zamecsnik said that the suspect made a plea deal.

The mayor's former colleague reached an agreement with the prosecutor's office based on his own interests, they agreed on a very favorable sentence, instead of 5 to 15 years in prison, this gentleman must spend 14 months in prison

said the lawyer. In addition, he also said that if László Kiss remains in pre-trial detention until October, then in the last resort, a new mayoral election may be called in the III. district.

According to the prosecutor's office, according to the well-founded suspicions communicated to the mayor, László Kiss, after his election as mayor in October 2019, agreed with an acquaintance that companies belonging to his interests would regularly receive orders from the municipality, for which he and other official and unofficial persons working at the municipality would need money in return. to repay.

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